- It has rich experience in struggle and governance. 有着丰富的斗争经验和执政经验。
- She is always militant in struggle. 她总是斗志昂扬。
- Practice in struggle has taught us that unity means strength. 斗争实践使我们意识到团结就是力量。
- There is no morality in struggles for power? 没有永远的正义,只有永远的权力?
- History develops in struggle and the world advances amidst turbulence. 历史在斗争中发展,世界在动荡中前进。
- History moves on in struggle. 历史在斗争中前进。
- During the American War of Independence,women were active in struggle. 在美国独立战争中,妇女也积极参加到斗争中。
- Truth stands in contrast to falsehood and develops in struggle with it. 真理是跟谬误相比较,并且同它作斗争发展起来的。
- Driven beyond endurance, they rose in struggle against their oppressors. 他们忍无可忍,起来和压迫他们的人作斗争。
- During the American War of Independence, women were active in struggle. 在美国独立战争中,妇女也积极参加到斗争中。
- For international solidarity with workers in struggle across the globe. 我们将会与全球各地的工人团结起来一起斗争!
- They have remoulded themselves in struggle or are doing so, and our literature and art should depict this process. 他们在斗争中已经改造或正在改造自己,我们的文艺应该描写他们的这个改造过程。
- They have remoulded themselves in struggle or are doing so,and our literature and art should depict this process. 他们在斗争中已经改造或正在改造自己,我们的文艺应该描写他们的这个改造过程。
- Recently he had read a forceful article in Struggle, a bi-monthly published in Peking. 他最近在北京出版的《奋斗》半月刊上面读过一篇热情横溢的文章。
- In short, fragrant flowers stand in contrast to poisonous weeds and develop in struggle with them. 总之,香花是跟毒草相比较,并且同它作斗争发展起来的。
- We must call on the masses to arise in struggle against their own illiteracy, superstitions and unhygienic habits. 我们必须告诉群众,自己起来同自己的文盲、迷信和不卫生的习惯作斗争。
- It is owing to objective conditions that they have not been adequately tested in struggle and have not gained sufficient experience as leaders. 经过的斗争考验少一点,领导经验少一点,这是客观条件造成的。
- He gave up the struggle in despair. 他绝望地放弃了斗争。
- The minority nationalities,and especially the people of Inner Mongolia who are directly menaced by Japanese imperialism,are now rising up in struggle. 少数民族,特别是内蒙民族,在日本帝国主义的直接威胁之下,正在起来斗争。
- The wind was whispering in the trees. 一阵风穿过树林沙沙作响。