- The chairs were covered in some sort of plastic stuff. 椅子都包了一种塑料膜。
- The idiot light went on, and I knew I was in some sort of trouble. 傻瓜警告灯闪个不停,我知道遇到麻烦事了。
- It was obvious that I had become the pawn in some sort of top-level power play. 很清楚,某些高级人物在玩弄权术,而我却成了他们的工具。
- There I sat, balanced in some sort of berm, in the pre-cell phone 80s. 因此我坐在,均衡,在某种护堤,在预手机80 。
- Never checkin your changes without giving them a quick review in some sort of a diff tool. 一定不要在没有通过任何比较工具进行一个快速回顾前就签入你的变更。
- And indeed, after some time the victim is forced in some sort of feign death reflex concerning his original personality. 并且实际上,在经过若干时间后,受害者被迫违反他的原始的人格,做出稍微的假死。
- We can speculate that the stone circles were used in some sort of pagan ceremony. 我们可以推测,这些石头排成的圆圈是用于某种异教崇拜仪式的。
- Two greyhounds, in running down the same hare, have sometimes the appearance of acting in some sort of concert. 两只猎犬同逐一兔,有时也象是一种协同动作。
- Excess of unhappiness had, as we have remarked, made him in some sort a visionary. 我们已指出过,过分的痛苦使他成了一个多幻想的人,
- For one so young there was a rather strange power in him of seeing things in some sort of proportion. 年纪尽管这样轻,他却有一种权衡事情轻重的异常能力。
- Her estranged huSBand is also angry and bitter.And Melfi is in some sort of conflict with her son. 剧中阴郁的气氛让人透不过气来,情节紧张,引人入胜。
- The storyline behind such games often have fantastical elements, and involve the characters in some sort of quest. 这类游戏的故事线通常具备奇幻元素,而且让角色牵涉在某种类型的探索中。
- Let's try to rig up some sort of shelter. 让我们赶快搭个遮风挡雨的棚吧。
- Judd runs the Starlight Hotel out in some sort of swampy place, and is unfortunately a few slices short of a loaf. 朱迪运行星光酒店在某种沼泽的地方,不幸的是,一些短期的切片面包。
- So far, most of the foreclosure properties are in some sort of distress or dilapidation. 目前为止,这些丧失抵押品赎回权的房产多处于被扣押或是存在已经破旧的问题。
- In some religions pork is considered impure. 某些宗教认为猪肉是亵渎的。
- He's pulling some sort of trick. 他不定在耍什麽花招。
- I may be able to help you in some way. 我也许可以从某个方面去帮助你。
- Roger paid the bill by cashing in some bonds. 罗杰卖掉一些债券来付账。
- My fishing line got entangled in some weeds. 我的钓鱼线同杂草纠缠在一起。