- That is in sharp contrast to last year. 一年变化,对比鲜明。
- His white hair was in sharp contrast to (ie was very noticeably different from) his dark skin. 他的白头发与黑皮肤形成了鲜明的对比。
- His white hair was in sharp contrast to his dark skin. 他的白发与黑皮肤形成鲜明的对照。
- His white hair was in sharp contrast to his dank skin. 他的白发同他的黑皮肤形成鲜明的对比。
- Her white dress is in sharp contrast to her dark skin. 她的白衣服与黑皮肤形成鲜明的对比。
- This action stood in sharp contrast to the arms race pursued by the two major. 这与当时国际上两大军事集团的军备竞赛形成明显对比。
- He is tall and strong, in sharp contrast to his wife who is short and weak. 他高大健壮,相比之下,他妻子去又矮又弱。
- In sharp contrast to the Darwinian theory of evolution by natural selection. 中性理论与达尔文的自然选择进化论有明显的差别。
- In sharp contrast to Hobbes' cynic view of human existence, Bonny Hicks exemplified a form of life that is loving, caring and sharing. 彭妮的生命代表了一个充满爱心、关怀和分享的生命,与霍布斯愤世嫉俗的人生观形成强烈对比。
- In sharp contrast to her mood, the clouds were breaking up to reveal a blue sky. 乌云渐渐散开,露出了蓝天,这和她的情绪形成了鲜明的对照。
- This action stood in sharp contrast to the arms race pursued by the two major military blocs existing in the world at that time. 这与当时国际上两大军事集团的军备竞赛形成明显对比。
- That the doctrines of the historical jurists stood in sharp contrast to the teachings of the classical natural-law philosophers. 历史法学派的理论同古典自然法哲学的理论是尖锐对立的。
- Such suggestions are in sharp contrast to the traditional view of radiation in the tropics. 这些看法与热带辐射的传统观点形成强烈的不同(鲜明的对比)。
- Russia's presidential contest stands in sharp contrast to America's hotly-contested presidential primaries. 俄罗斯总统竞争与美国竞争激烈的总统初选完全不同。
- And the stadium under the relaxed state is in sharp contrast to Derek - Ross field. 与球场下轻松的状态形成鲜明对比的是德里克-罗斯场上的表现。
- This is in sharp contrast to a history of coerced linguistic assimilation in most Western nations. 这与大多数西方国家强制进行语言同化的历史形成强烈反差!
- In sharp contrast to the military aspects of the show, some exhibitors appeared to revel in the pure joy of flight. 与军事类表演形成明显对比的是,一些展销商看起来完全着意于纯粹的飞行乐趣。
- This is in sharp contrast to temperate forests where most plant nutrients are found in the soil. 与多数植物养分在土壤被找到的温带林形成鲜明的对比。
- In sharp contrast to bulges, the properties of disk galaxies do not correlate with BH masses. 与椭圆星系形成鲜明对比,漩涡星系的特质与黑洞质量没有直接联系。
- In sharp contrast to Hobbes'cynic view of human existence,Bonny Hicks exemplified a form of life that is loving,caring and sharing. 彭妮的生命代表了一个充满爱心、关怀和分享的生命,与霍布斯愤世嫉俗的人生观形成强烈对比。