- The accident victim is reported to be in serious condition. 据报道,在这次事故中受伤的人情况很危险。
- Disabled children in serious condition are sent to local hospitals for better treatment. 对重度病残儿童,福利院将其送往所在地区的医院进行治疗。
- Ill or disabled children in serious condition are sent to local hospitals for better treatment. 对重度病残儿童,福利院将其送往所在地区的医院进行治疗。
- But Israeli media said that some 30 people were wounded and with 10 in serious condition. 以色列媒体则称,受伤的人多达三十人,其中十人伤势严重。
- One is dead, one suffered a heart attack and is in serious condition and the third is healthy, Zelentsov said. 一个人病逝,一个人心脏病发作病情不乐观,第3个人仍健在。
- Five of these patients are in stable condition while the other one is in serious condition due to her underlying disease. 五名病人情况稳定,另一名病人因其本身疾病现时情况严重。
- Four of these patients are in stable condition while the other two are in serious condition due to their underlying diseases. 其中四名病人情况稳定,另两名病人因其本身疾病现时情况严重。
- Dr. Len Notaris says he is hopeful the East Timorese leader will make a good recovery, although for now, he remains in serious condition. 达尔文皇家医院的莱恩.;诺塔拉什医生说,他对这位东帝汶领导人会康复抱有信心,但是现在伤势仍然严重。
- Result:Community doctors lack of awareness in bacterial drug resistance,irrational use of antibiotics is in serious condition. 结果:乡村医生对细菌耐药性认识水平相对欠缺,抗生素使用不合理情况严重;
- Police have still not identified the person responsible for the Wisconsin shootings that left six dead and a two-year-old girl in serious condition. 威斯康星州一起枪杀案中,六人丧生,一两岁女童重伤,情况危殆。警方至今尚未找到真凶。
- This company was in serious financial difficulties. 这家公司陷入严重的财政困难。
- These students are in serious financial straits. 这些学生经济上十分困难。
- Xinhua News Agency, New Delhi, September 10 (Reporter: Bai Jingshan) - A train derailed on the evening of 9th in the state of Bihar, India, causing 80 dead and wounding 180, of whom some are in serious condition. 新华社新德里9月10日电(记者白景山)9日夜发生在印度比哈尔邦的火车出轨事故已造成80人死亡,另有180人受伤,其中多人伤势严重。
- Rick Plummer, a spokesman for University Medical Center in Las Vegas, said the hospital received five victims by helicopter, one who died, two in critical condition and two in serious condition. 大学医学中心的发言人里克卢默在拉斯维加斯说,医院收到直升机送来的五名受害者,一人死亡,两人病情危急,另外两名伤势严重。
- Five of the injured were taken to Kingman Regional Medical Center, where one was in critical condition and four were in serious condition, said Ryan Kennedy, executive director of operations. 负责这次救援行动的指挥官瑞安肯尼迪说,五名伤者被送往金曼地区医疗中心,其中一人情况危殆,4人情况严重。
- He pointed out that the orthostatic hypotension in serious condition, can occur when patients change position when the rapid drop in blood pressure, syncope occurred, in fact forced to bedridden. 他指出,体位性低血压病情严重时,患者可出现每当变换体位时血压迅速下降,发生晕厥,以致被迫卧床不起。
- According to Cordova, among the 1,995 people, 776 are still in serious conditions, while 1,070 have been discharged after treatment. 根据美国地震台网监测结果,墨西哥当地时间27日11点46分发生里氏6级地震。
- Now that father's lost his job, we're in serious straits. 因为父亲失业,我们现在处境十分困难。
- The monitoring with AEEC in acute stage is superior to MRI in diagnosis and prognosis of virous encephalitis, especially for children and patients in serious conditions. AEEG对早期诊断及预后评价优于MRI,尤其适用于小儿及危重病人。
- Any of these may result in serious injury or death. 这些里的任何一个都会导致严重伤害或死亡。