- The NPV method measures profitability in absolute term, whereas the IRR method measures it in relative terms. 净现值法是绝对数衡量项目的收益能力,而内含报酬率法是用相对数。
- China's spending on defence is low in relative terms as well as absolute terms. 中国国防支出的低水平,不仅反映在国防费的绝对值上,而且也反映在国家国防负担的相对比例上。
- This obviously will have to be in absolute terms rather than in relative terms. 很明显这是指绝对,而不是相对层面的比较。
- They are now living in relative comfort. 他们现在过着比较安逸的生活。
- When we say a person is experienced or inexperienced,we are only talking in relative terms. 经验够不够,只是比较而言。
- China's defense expenditure is low in relative terms,as well as in absolute terms. 中国国防支出的低水平,不仅反映在国防费的绝对值上,而且也反映在国家国防负担的相对比例上。
- Sliders allow users to specify numeric values in relative terms, rather than by directly keying in a number. 滑块允许用户用相对值指定数值,而不是直接键入一个数字。
- This is a major achievement because, in relative terms, planets are very small and do not emit light. 这是一个重要的成就,因为相对来说,行星很小,而且也不发光。
- China's defense expenditure is low in relative terms, as well as in absolute terms. 中国国防支出的低水平,不仅反映在国防费的绝对值上,而且也反映在国家国防负担的相对比例上。
- When we say a person is experienced or inexperienced, we are only talking in relative terms. 经验够不够,只是比较而言。
- Respect the user's preferences and let them resize text as needed. Also, specify font sizes in relative terms -- not as an absolute number of pixels. 更多内容请看网站服务器的选型、网站建设、网站解决方案专题,或进入讨论组讨论。
- In relative terms, compared with fraternal provinces and municipalities, regardless of technology, ideas and economic fields are at a disadvantage. 相对而言,与兄弟省市相比,无论技术、观念、经济等方面都处于劣势。
- As technical assistance was being discussed, the Delegation believed that it was important, while discussing the matter, to define exactly or in relative terms, what constituted technical assistance. 由于正在讨论技术援助问题,该代表团认为,必须在讨论过程中确切地或者比较准确地界定技术援助。
- For no matter what efforts South Korea makes on the global stage, it is still a shrimp among whales in its own region, and even there the power of its American godfather may decline in relative terms. 不管韩国在全球舞台上做出何种努力,在东亚地区,她也不过是鲸中的一只小虾米。即使她的美国教父,有时也会遭到一定程度的拒绝。
- After his troubles, he's now in relative comfort. 困境过后,他现在比较舒服了。
- The clocks in relative motion keep different times. 处在相对运动状态下的几个钟,所记录下来的时间不同。
- She is living in relative poverty. 她过着较为贫困的生活。
- He retired and lived in relative isolation. 他退休后, 生活比较孤寂。
- Participate in relative quality improvements. 参与相关的质量改进。
- To decrease in relative importance. 重要性相对降低