- If you continue to steal you'll end up in prison. 你要是继续行窃终归得进监狱。
- That convict passed the entrance exam in prison. 那名罪犯在狱中通过了联考。
- Her years in prison left a scar. 她在狱中的岁月留下了精神创伤。
- After ten years in prison, he was a free man again. 他坐了十年监狱,又成了自由人。
- He disclosed that he had been in prison. 他透露说自己曾坐过牢。
- The man was sentenced to three years in prison. 他被判三年监禁。
- The report disclosed that he had served in prison. 报告披露他曾坐过牢。
- After 10 years in prison, he was given his freedom. 他坐了10年监狱以後又得到了自由。
- After ten years in prison, he is a free man again. 他坐了十年监狱,又成了自由人。
- They were sentenced to long terms in prison. 他们被判处长期徒刑。
- Those offenders all ended up in prison. 那些违法者结果都坐了牢。
- He served eight years in prison. 他坐过八年牢。
- The sentence was ten years in prison. 判决是十年徒刑。
- The lascivious person was put in prison. 那个好色之徒被关进监狱。
- Guy has turned into a really hard case since he's been in prison. 盖伊自从进了监狱后,已变成一个实在不可救药的人了。
- Her defences will wear down after a few weeks in prison. 在监狱呆几星期之后,她的防卫力将会减弱。
- A sentence to serve time in prison. 有期徒刑在狱中服刑的判决
- She has paid the penalty for her crimes with five years in prison. 她因犯罪受到惩罚被判刑五年。
- While (locked up) in prison, she wrote her first novel. 她在狱中写出了第一部小说。
- He spoke without reserve (ie freely) of his time in prison. 他毫无保留地(直言不讳地)述说了他在监狱中的事。