- in long epicentral distance 远震区
- Derek tends to cast his ideas in long sentences. 德里克往往用长句表达他的思想。
- They wore their hair braided in long pigtails. 他们将头发梳成一条长辫子。
- Comets move around the sun like planets, but in long oval course. 彗星象行星一样绕太阳运转,然而其轨道呈狭长的椭圆形。
- Pasta made in long strands thinner than spaghetti. 细面条,线面做成长条形,比意大利式细面条更细的意大利面食
- The art of printing was led in long ago to Europe. 印刷术早已传入欧洲了。
- I have known him since he was in long clothes. 他还在襁褓中我就认识他。
- He walked in long ungainly strides. 他迈着笨拙的大步子行走。
- The number above the beginning of each trace is the source azimuth and below is the epicentral distance. 每条轨迹起点上的数字是震源方位角与震源深度。
- In long shady strokes Sargent copied the data. 萨金特用长长的、颤悠悠的笔划抄写着数字。
- We drank in long, greedy swallows. 我们迫不及待地大口大口地把酒喝下去。
- My nephew won the champion in long jump. 我侄子赢得到了跳远比赛的冠军。
- You've been shut in long enough. 你在家里闷了很长时间。
- The proposal is OK in long term hold. 建议可以中长线持有。
- The report was written in long, opaque sentences. 报告中的句子又长又难懂。
- We locate in Long Gang Shenzhen. 公司主要产品是化妆包,女士包,购物袋等。
- The small child was still in long clothes. 那小孩还在襁褓中。
- She: Do you believe in long engagement? 女:你信任长时间的订婚吗?
- At greater epicentral distances the Rayleigh waves become very prominent. 当离震中距离更大时,瑞雪波才变得显著。
- In long shaky strokes Sargent copied the data. 萨金特用长而颤巍巍的笔画抄录了数据。