- The amount of noise which anyone can bear undisturbed stands in inverse proportion to his mental capacity. 任何人能够无动于衷地忍受的噪音的量,与他的心智能力成反比。
- If one of two quantities increases as the other decreases, we say that they are in inverse proportion. 若二量之间一增加一减少,我们则称二者成反比例。
- In general, the indexes mentioned above are to some extent in inverse proportion. 一般而言,上述各指数之间存在一定的反比例关系。
- A term is in inverse proportion to another term if it increases (or decreases) as the other decreases (or increases). 一个项与另一个项成反比,一个增大(或者减少),另一个减少(或者增大)。
- A person's wealth is often in inverse proportion to their happiness(= the more money they have, the less happy they are). 一个人的财富常常与他的幸福成反比。
- According to this law, the pressure of a given mass of gas at constant temperature is in inverse proportion to the volume occupied by the sea. 根据这个定律,在恒定温度下,某定量气体的压力是和该气体所占的体积成反比的。
- Conclusions were drawn:thickness of sclerenchyma correlates with gemination percentage,and was in inverse proportion to gemination percentage. 萝卜种子发芽率的高低主要与厚壁组织层的厚度及它占种皮全厚的比例有关,且成反比。
- The fibril diameter is in inverse proportion to deformation and the fibril length is in direct proportion to the square of deformation approximately. 经室温拉变形的铜包铝线的极限抗拉强度随形变量增大而增大, 与形变量平方根呈直线关系;
- Grozny no longer looks like Stalingrad.It has been rebuilt and spruced up.But “the economic gains were in inverse proportion to the moral ones”. 格罗兹尼这次没有与斯大林格勒遭遇相同的命运,重建后的格罗兹尼还进行了城市美化。
- An modified UMP-BP (MUMP-BP) algorithm is proposed.The optimal multiplicative factor to decrease reliabilities is in inverse proportion to variable node degrees. 算法中减小置信度更新值的最佳乘性系数与低密度奇偶校验码变量节点的度数成反比关系。
- The blood volume of microcirculation is in direct proportion to the dp of arteriole and veinule,and in inverse proportion to the whole resistance of microcirculation. 微循环的血流量与微动脉和微静脉之间的血压差成正比;与微循环中血流总阻力成反比.
- Gao Jian-chao sound and act in inverse proportion to his age, his sentence is worth weighing: should always sounded quarantine, disinfection of the alarm. 高建超行事的稳健与他的年龄成反比,他的一句话非常值得推敲:要时刻敲响防疫、消毒的警钟。
- Why does the field force is in inverse proportion to the square of the distance between the two masses, but not to three or four power of ones and to prefigure that the constant G of the gravitation isn't invariant. 随着仪器及认识手段的改进与提高,人们对自然界的认识也将进一步提高与加深,对物质的分辨能力也会逐步提高。
- The relation between external control field and its acting time is also discussed. The result shows that the acting time is in inverse proportion to control strength in some certain period when a quantum control task is given. 讨论了外部控制场与其作用时间的关系;结果表明:对于给定的量子控制任务;在选定的某个周期内;作用时间与控制场强度成反比.
- When the peak stress is same, the absorbed energy of material under the repeated impact contact load is more than under the static fatigue load. And absorbability is in inverse proportion with the distance from the impact point. 当峰值应力相同时,材料在多冲接触载荷下比静载荷和静疲劳载荷下吸收的能量多,且吸收量与离冲击点的距离成反比。
- In general, unless serious "stagflation", and the inflation rate and the employment rate in inverse proportion to the general, that is, price increases led to the decline in employment. 通常来说,除非发生严重的“滞胀”,通货膨胀率与就业率一般成反比,即物价上涨导致就业人数下降。
- It is found that the dendrite steady-state tip subcooling and velocity are roughly in proportion to thermal diffusivity,respectively,and radius is in inverse proportion to thermal diffusivit... 此外研究发现枝晶稳定生长时;其尖端过冷度和速度与热扩散系数成正比;尖端半径与热扩散系数成反比.
- The critical power ofthe strongly nonlocal soliton is proportion to the 2th power of the characteristic lengthof the response function and in inverse proportion to the 2th power of beam width. 强非局域孤子的临界功率与非局域特征宽度的2次方成正比,与光束束宽的2次方成反比。
- The critical power of the strongly nonlocal soliton is proportion to the 4th power of thecharacteristic length of the response function and in inverse proportion to the 4th powerof beam width. 另外,分析了孤子的传输特性,强非局域孤子的临界功率与非局域特征长度的4次方成正比,与光束束宽的4次方成反比。
- Running in inverse sense to justice according to men. 和人的正义是背道而驰的。