- The writer's name remained in eclipse for many years after his death. 这位作者死後很多年,名字一直湮没无闻。
- The Deputy Fuehrer found himself in eclipse. 这位副元首觉得自己已黯然失色。
- Once a famous actress, she is now in eclipse. 过去她是名演员,今日已黯然失色。
- The manifest file is new in Eclipse 3. manifest文件是Eclipse 3中的新功能。
- She used to be a famous actress, but she's now in eclipse; she never appears on the stage now. 她曾经是位著名的演员,可是目前已经没那么出名了,也不再登台演戏了。
- Her work was in eclipse for most of the 20th century. 她的作品在20世纪大部份时间里都湮没无闻。
- This makes the ongoing code development in Eclipse easier. 这样可以使得正在进行中的Eclipse中的代码开发更容易有些。
- During the seventies, her acting career was in eclipse. 在七十年代, 她的表演生涯黯然失色。
- During the seventies her acting career was in eclipse . 在七十年代她的表演生涯黯然失色。
- Download a simple sandbox in Eclipse for experimenting with library aspects. 下载Eclipse中的一个简单沙盒,试用库方面。
- We ve seen exciting levels of growth in Eclipse commitment and support. 我们可以看到Eclipse的保证和支持令人兴奋的增长。
- She used to be a famous actress,but she's now in eclipse; she never appears on the stage now. 她曾经是位著名的演员,可是目前已经没那么出名了,也不再登台演戏了。
- For example, you can create a Web Project in Eclipse and then build a simple Java Bean in the Project. 例如,您可以在Eclipse中创建Web项目,然后在这个项目中构建一个简单的Java Bean。
- The search facilities in Eclipse have also gotten more intelligent with generic types. Eclipse中的搜索工具对于泛型类型已经具有了更高的智能性。
- This article presents ways to make views in Eclipse collaborate and respond to the states of other views. 本文介绍在Eclipse中结合视图的方式以及如何对其他视图的状态做出响应。
- Now you can start developing jWebUnit test cases in Eclipse under the jWebUnit project. 现在可以在Eclipse中的jWebUnit项目下开发jWebUnit测试用例了。
- Another really useful feature in Eclipse is the ability to refactor your projects. Eclipse中另一项非常有用的功能是可以重构项目。
- The wind was whispering in the trees. 一阵风穿过树林沙沙作响。
- There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. 英语字母表中有26个字母。
- Then, you use the standard build command in Eclipse to build all the bits and pieces for the bridge. 然后,您要用Eclipse中的标准build命令生成桥的各个部分。