- Irakli Tsereteli's Statement in Defense of the War. 在防御战争中的声明。
- The military army is kept in defense of the country form foreign invasion. 建立军队意在国防服务。
- The military army is kept in defense of the country from foreign invasion. 军队用天于捍卫国家安全和抵抗外来侵略。
- He wrote the poem in memory of his wife who offered her life in defense of the country. 他写这首诗是为了纪念他那为国捐躯的妻子。
- He spoke In defense of the governments record. 他发言维护政府的政绩。
- Many heroic men and women have died in defense of liberty. 许多英勇的男男女女为捍卫自由而牺牲。
- He gave his life in defense of his country. 他在保卫祖国的时候付出了生命。
- There will be rain in all parts of the country. 全国各地将有雨。
- She spoke up in defense of her political beliefs. 她为她的政见力辩。
- The capital is in the extreme south of the country. 首都在这个国家的最南端。
- Misty weather prevails in this part of the country. 该国的这一地区天气多雾。
- They had a dogged defense of the city. 他们对城市进行了顽强的防守。
- He throttled the freedom of the press in the country. 他压制了这个国家的出版自由。
- They had to fight in defense of hearth and home. 我们必须为保卫家园而战。
- He is one of the leading brains in the country. 他是国家的知识分子精英。
- The bank has branches in all parts of the country. 该银行在全国各地设有分行。
- He speaks boldly in defense of justice. 他仗义执言。
- Wheat is grown in various parts of the country. 全国许多地方都种小麦。
- We should stand up in defense of peace. 我们应当起来捍卫和平和幸福。
- He has been an unsung hero of the country's economic growth. 他是使这个国家经济成长的无名英雄。