- Jessica seems always to be in an optimistic mood. 杰西卡看起来情绪总是很乐观。
- She looks at everything in an optimistic light. 她看什么事都很乐观。
- in an optimistic mood; optimistic plans; took an optimistic view 以乐观的心态;乐观的计划;持乐观见解
- in an optimistic mood; optimistic plans; took an optimistic view. 以乐观的心态;乐观的计划;持乐观见解。
- in an optimistic mood 以乐观的情绪
- Because this is not the case in an optimistic concurrency model, connections to the server are free to serve a larger number of clients in less time. 由于在开放式并发模型中并不会这样,所以与服务器的连接可以在较少的时间内为更多的客户端提供服务。
- The book ended on an optimistic note. 该书的结尾寓意乐观。
- Of course, there are still some unsatisfied and scarry stuffs that burden me, yet I still get myself to operate in an optimistic mode. 当然还有一些不满意和可怕的事情,可是我还是能让自己乐观地生活。
- She is of an optimistic turn of mind. 她生性乐观。
- He was of an optimistic cast of mind. 他生性乐观。
- An optimist sees an opportunity in every calamity. 乐观者在灾难中可以看到希望。
- That evening he was in an unusual light-hearted mood. 那晚他的心情异常轻松。
- An optimist stays up to see the new year in. 一个乐观者等至深夜是为了迎接新的一年的开始。
- Should optimistic mood and good mentation. 应保持乐观情绪和良好的心理状态。
- She could knit up a baby's coatee in an afternoon. 她一个下午就能编结好一件婴孩的紧身短上衣。
- I read about the writer's suicide in an evening newspaper. 我是从一份晚报上读到关于那位作家自杀的消息的。
- He worked very fast, insomuch that he was through in an hour. 他工作得很快,一小时内便做完了。
- He's such an optimist that he's sure he'll soon find a job. 他很乐观,认为自己一定很快就能找到工作。
- That evening she was in an light-hearted mood. 那天晚上她心情轻松。
- An optimist is a girl who mistakes a bulge for a curve. 乐观的人,等于是把(自己身体上)凸出来的部分也错认作曲线的女孩子。