The equipment has all been field-tested. 这些设备都已经过实地试验。
The blame rests fair and square onmy shoulders. 这一罪过著实地落在我的头上。
We spent that night in the open. 那夜我们在野外度过。
Crows crawk as they are flying over the field. 乌鸦飞越野外时,发出啼叫声。
In the field,parts of a battalion may be widely separated and a platoon commander messes with the other officers in his company. 在战地上,一营的部队可能分散的很开,排长同本连的其他军官一起用膳。
He saw every weapon the Wehrmacht had, in action. 在作战中,他见过德军拥有的所有武器。
Everyone who has seen active service in war knows this. 每个在作战中积极行动过的人都知道这一点。