- The riverside maples seem drowned in deep sorrow. 青枫浦上不胜愁。
- The whole nation was in deep sorrow at the news. 听到这个消息,整个国家都沉浸在悲痛之中。
- The whole nation was in deep sorrow at this news. 当全国人民听到这个噩耗时,都沉浸在深切的悲痛之中。
- It is unbearable to see him in deep sorrow. 他椎心泣血的样子,真让人不忍心看。
- Please accept my sincere sympathy as you are in deep sorrow. 请您在悲痛之中接受我对您的深切同情。
- The whole nation was in deep sorrow at the death of this great man. 这位伟人的去世使整个民族都沉浸在悲痛之中。
- The whole nation was in deep sorrow at this bad news. 着重指人民、民族、国民。
- In deepest sorrow and affection. 我们非常难过,深切地同情你们。
- The sudden death of his beloved wife threw him in deep sorrow. 他深深爱恋的妻子突然去世,他悲痛万分。
- At the news of the king's passing away, the whole country was in deep sorrow. 听到国王逝世,整个国家陷入极度悲伤中。
- The whole nation was in deep sorrow at this news,for the people had come to love him as an inspiring leader. 当全国人民听到这个噩耗时,都沉浸在深切的悲痛之中,因为人民已把林肯作为一位具有感召力的领袖。
- The whole nation was in deep sorrow when they heard their beloved president was murdered. 听说敬爱的总统遭到谋杀,举国上下陷入极度悲伤之中。
- The whole nation was in deep sorrow at this news, for the people had come to love him as an inspiring leader. 当全国人民听到这个噩耗时,都沉浸在深切的悲痛之中,因为人民已把林肯作为一位具有感召力的领袖。
- The man was in deep sorrow,endlessly wept and wailed,mutered and cried:"Why did you die so early? 这男人很悲凄地捶胸顿足,长嚎不己,嘴边不断地喃喃哭喊:“你为什么要这么早死呀?
- He bent his head mournfully, and sighed in deep sorrow, as an unquiet spirit might sigh. 他身穿铠甲,头低垂着,一副愁容,像一个不幸的精灵,深深地叹息着。
- Dizzy when must revolve, oneself are in deep sorrow the sadness, by others' sadness, can cure. 目眩时更要旋转,自己痛不欲生的悲伤,以别人的悲伤,就能够治愈。
- The man was in deep sorrow, endlessly wept and wailed, mutered and cried:"Why did you die so early? 这男人很悲凄地捶胸顿足,涕泪交加,嘴边不断在喃喃哭喊“你为什么要这么早死呀!
- The whole nation was in deep sorrow at this news,for the people had come to love him as an inspiring leader and a wise,warm-hearted,honest man. 当全国人民听到这个噩耗时,都沉浸在深切的悲痛之中,因为人民已把林肯作为一位具有感召力的领袖,聪明,热情,诚实的人而爱戴他。
- The whole nation was in deep sorrow at this news,for the people had come to love him as an inspiring leader and warm-hearted,honest man. 当全国人民听到这个噩耗时,都沉浸在深切的悲痛之中, 因为人民已把林肯作为一位具有感召力的领袖, 热情, 诚实。
- In the fight, the oil lamp falls down and suddenly a blazing fire sweeps the vineyard, People weep in deep sorrow, in desperation. 油灯在争斗中打翻,顿时燃起一场熊熊大火,吞噬了整个葡萄园。人们悲伤地低泣着,万念俱灰。