- impurity semicomductor [电] 杂质半导体
- The oxygen react vigorously with the impurity in the iron. 氧气与铁中的杂质发生剧烈的化学反应。
- Impurity of the water made it unfit to drink. 因为水质不纯净,所以不能饮用。
- This impurity must be purged away after death. 这种污秽应该在死后加以净化。
- We will purge the world of its impurity! 我们会净化世界的一切废物!
- A filter device can effectively filtrate impurity. 过滤器装置能有效的过滤杂质。
- Gandrake: We will purge the world of its impurity! 我们会净化世界的一切废物!
- Oil Filter:Filtrate the impurity in the motor oil. 简介机油滤清器:过滤机油中可能含有之杂质。
- The limestone absorb impurity from the ore and form a fluid slag which floats on the surface of the heavier molten iron. 石灰石吸咐了铁矿石中的杂质,形成浮在较重的铁水表面上的流动渣。
- The oxygen reacts vigorously with the impurity in the iron. 氧气与铁中的杂质发生剧烈的化学反应。
- It is iron and graphite that the impurity is common. 杂质常见为铁质和石墨。
- The impurity on the craft means the stone and quality are not even. 工艺上的杂质是指石和质地不均匀。
- Used for screening the thick impurity wasted paper pulp. 用于对废纸浆进行粗大杂质筛选。
- Impurity and dust can be cleared up by dust collector cyclone. 小杂质及灰尘可通过吸风风网清除。
- This is because of the impurity nitride(MmNn) in glass. 本文认为这是玻璃内部所含的杂质氮化物(MmNn)所致。
- Remove the ethyl alcohol use calcium carbonate impurity method? 用碳酸钙除去乙醇中的乙酸杂质的方法???
- Appearance: Yellowish powder, no impurity naked eye can see. 外观:呈淡黄色粉末,无肉眼可见夹杂物。
- Used for screening the thick impurity of wasted paper pulp. 用于对废纸浆进行粗大杂质筛选。
- Compllete ctystal shape,high diaphaneity and low impurity. 晶形完整,透明度高,杂质含量低,晶型与晶体强度性能优越。
- The impure mixture with impurity is purified. 含杂质的不纯混合物被提纯。