- impregnation orebodies 浸染体
- Impregnation with ammonia or an ammonium compound. 氨化作用用氨或氨化物浸渗
- Hardening,as of tissue,by such impregnation. 硬化组织的硬化,通过如上的钙化作用
- Hardening, as of tissue, by such impregnation. 硬化组织的硬化,通过如上的钙化作用
- Sharp grade cutoffs are the rule at margins of orebodies. 品位的急剧下降是矿体边界上的规律。
- CNI is Chemical Nickel Impregnation with TFE overcoat. CNI经过化学镍浸渍,并涂敷聚四氟乙烯。
- Cutinization The impregnation of a plant cell wall with cutin. 角化作用(角质化):角质陆续侵渗植物细胞壁的过程。
- Contraception Birth control by prevention of conception or impregnation. 避孕: 人类生理学术语,指有意防止怀孕的措施。
- Contraception Birth control by prevention of conception or impregnation. 避孕:人类生理学术语,指有意防止怀孕的措施。
- DPC yield is 3.37% over PbO-ZnO/SiO2 catalyst prepared by impregnation. 等体积浸渍法制备的PbO-ZnO/SiO_2催化剂上DPC产率为3.;37%25。
- These adhesives can be used for tightening screw and impregnation of micropore. 主要用于各种螺纹件的锁固密封和金属零部件微孔的浸渗密封。
- Impregnation with calcium or calcium salts, as with calcium carbonate. 钙化掺入钙或钙盐,如用碳酸钙
- Study of genetic relationshipbetween dikes and gold orebodies in Kubusu gold deposit in east Junggar. 东准噶尔库布苏金矿床岩脉与金矿成因关系的研究。
- The orebodies are confined to Yanshanian metamorphosed rhyolite porphyry and felsite. 矿体赋存在燕山期变质流纹斑岩、霏细岩中。
- The orebodies in bedded andnetwork forms occur in Pre-Jinningian layered pyroxenite-gabbro remicts in Kangdian complex. 矿体赋存于康定杂岩中前晋宁期层状辉石岩辉长岩残留体中,呈似层状、网脉状产出;
- All orebodies are gold quartz vein type and hosted in New Archaean metamorphic quartz diorite and plagiogranite. 容矿岩系为新太古代变质石英闪长岩、斜长花岗岩。
- The stratiform-like PGE-Cu-Ni orebodies are hosted in the strongly altered shell surroun... 该矿床是东秦岭发现的首例大型铂族-铜镍矿床,预示着秦岭地区同类矿床的找矿前景。
- The orebodies occur within or near the exocontact of intrusive rocks and above the hidden igneous rocks. 金矿产于岩体外接触带及其附近和隐伏岩体上方。
- They do not stain well with aniline dyes, but they can be seen in tissues when stained by a silver impregnation method. 用苯胺类染料染色不佳,在组织中用镀银染色法可见。
- The orebodies are controlled by late superimposed faults.The mineralization is characterized by pyritization. 后期叠加断裂构造往往直接控制矿体产出,黄铁矿化是矿化主要标志。