- An alteration of shape by pressure or stress. 扭曲变形由于压力或拉力导致的形状改变
- A mark produced on a surface by pressure. 印记,印痕由于压力而在表面上形成的痕迹
- Stabilization of thermophile enzymes by pressure. 压力下嗜热酶的稳定性。
- To produce a mark on(a surface) by pressure. 通过压在(表面)作戳记
- High-pressure gas could be released by pressure on a trigger. 一按扳机高压气体就会被释出。
- A small, sometimes microscopic capsule designed to release its contents when broken by pressure, dissolved, or melted. 微胶囊,微囊体小团胶囊,在压力、溶解或熔化时破裂释放出所含物质
- Structure Engineering by Pressure in Protein-Pectin Mixtures. 蛋白质-胶质混合中的结构工程学。
- To produce(a mark or pattern) on a surface by pressure. 印,盖印用力在表面上加印(标志或图案)
- Banzhu got cowed down by pressure from the net police. 因着网警的压力,斑竹只好屈膝。
- The crushing process is carried out by pressure and shearing stress. 在相应的压力和切力作用下,物料得以破碎。
- Acquisition of stress tolerance by pressure shock treatment in yeast. 间歇压力处理获得的酵母耐压性。
- To imprint(a design) by pressure with an instrument on a superimposed pattern. 压印通过一仪器用压力将(一图案)印在覆盖在上面的模子上
- Unplug after the tooth, gum has prominence, by pressure aching feeling does? 拔牙之后,牙龈有突出物,按压有疼痛感怎么办?
- The inventory of solids in a fluidized bed can easily be found by pressure drop measurements across the bed. 流化床内的固定藏量可以用测定床层的压降办法很容易地求得。
- A steel roller bearing a raised design, used for making a die or a printing plate by pressure. 轧模机上有隆起的钢制滚筒,用来压制印模或印板
- Impregnating by compression rollers 辊压浸注
- The extraction technology using the porous media to be impregnated by solvent is an effective separation method. 利用浸渍溶剂的多孔介质进行萃取是一种有效的分离方法。
- A small,sometimes microscopic capsule designed to release its contents when broken by pressure,dissolved,or melted. 微胶囊,微囊体小团胶囊,在压力、溶解或熔化时破裂释放出所含物质
- To determine dust catalyst density in the smoke of refinery set by pressure balance system. 采用动压平衡采样系统测定炼油厂催化装置再生烟气中的催化剂粉尘,结果表明,该系统比预测流速法自动化程度高,故障率低,操作简便,数据准确可靠。
- Oops - it\'s supposed to be clear. Isabel was kidnapped and impregnated by the Demon Sovereign, who accelerated her pregnancy and then stole the child. 噢-应该很清楚。恶魔大君将伊莎贝尔绑架并使之怀孕,加速其孕期,之后偷走了孩子。