- Men have tramped into the cities in search of work, leaving an increasingly impoverished countryside populated by women, children, and the elderly. 一位先旅居英国、曾在西藏旅行的持不同政见者马健这样说“将西藏人民理想化,实际上是否认他们的人性。”
- Chinese workers who travel from the impoverished countryside to find work in the cities are often underpaid and vulnerable to other forms of abuse. 从贫困农村前往城市打工的中国农民工经常拿不到足额的薪水,而且容易遭受其他形式的虐待。
- He often dreams about his days in the countryside. 他常梦见在乡下的那些日子。
- Let's pack up and spend a week in the countryside. 咱们收拾好东西到乡下去过一个星期吧。
- Her family was impoverished by a fire. 她的家庭被一场火弄得一贫如洗。
- He came from an impoverished background. 他出身贫寒。
- The countryside was bathed in brilliant sunshine. 这一带乡村沐浴在阳光里。
- They have a summer residence in the countryside. 他们在乡间有夏季住宅。
- I feel healthier after a visit to the countryside. 到乡下走了一趟后我觉得身体更健康。
- Spiritually impoverished or alienated. 精神上颓丧; 无寄托的
- An impoverished person; a pauper. 穷人贫困的人; 贫民
- The countryside glowed with autumn colours. 郊野焕发出斑斓的秋色。
- The old practice still prevails in the countryside. 旧习俗在乡间仍然流行。
- Bands of soldiers ravaged the countryside. 成群的士兵洗劫了乡村。
- Heavy rain and excessive use have impoverished the soil. 土地因招暴雨侵蚀及使用过度已贫瘠不堪。
- I prefer the quiet countryside to the noisy cities. 我喜欢安静的乡村胜过喧闹的城市。
- The moon kindled the countryside. 月光照耀着郊外。
- The countryside was overrun by marauding bands. 郊野到处都有散兵游勇,四出打劫。
- The bells pealed (out) over the countryside. 钟声响彻郊野。
- The countryside was blanketed with snow/fog. 乡村被雪[雾]覆盖著。