- Handle import cargo and transfer the supervised cargo. 办理进口货物交接,中转监管转运。
- Clear customs for import cargo, warehouse, and inland truck. 处理进口清关,仓储及内陆运输等。
- Column A. Import cargo from Vietnam for selling in china market. 业务板块:A.;从越南进口商品在中国市场销售。
- We also provide more economical prices for appointed import cargo, for more business, please contact our international business manager Mrs. Zhao. 我们同时为指定货物的进口代理服务提供最优惠的价格,欢迎与国际进口业务经理联系洽谈。
- Import Cargo Collection - The waiting time of a consignee trucker, after submitted Shipment Release Form at import collection points, to receive the first piece of cargo. 提取入口货物-收货人在入口收集点递交放货表后至提取第一件货物的等候时间。
- Four and more than four years relative experience, being familiar with import operation flow, including: preparing the import cargo papers, declaring to customs and checking etc. 四年或以上相关工作经验,熟悉进口业务作业流程,包括:进口货物单证准备、报关、海关查验等事务.
- Captain: Firstly, last port clearance, record of PSC inspection, imported cargo manifest, declaration of personal articles, oh, could you check all certificates? 船长:首先,上一港结关手续,PSC检查记录,进口货清单,个人物品申报单,噢,你能检查一下证书吗?
- The ship was loaded with cargo fore and aft. 这条船从船头到船尾装满了货物。
- The custom impound the whole cargo. 海关没收了全部的船货。
- The cargo is unloaded safely from the sinking ship. 货物被安全地从沉船上卸下。
- The cargo was lashed down on the deck of the ship. 货物牢牢地缚在船的甲板上。
- The tide had washed up cargo from the wrecked ship. 潮水把遇难船上的货物冲到了岸边。
- How long will the discharge of the cargo take? 卸货需要多久?
- The ship was allowed to unload cargo on the wharf. 那艘船被允许在码头上卸货。
- He plans to import an automatic bobbin loader.. 他计划进囗一架自动装线机。
- A cargo of steel was lost at sea. 有一货轮的钢材在海上遗失了。
- The miscellaneous expenses of import are so much! 进口货物的杂费太多了!
- Track for some important cargoes to help the client to solve problems arised in shipping. 对一些重要货物进行跟踪,协助委托方处理托运过程中可能出现的问题。
- The cargo discharged at San Francisco. 货轮已于旧金山港卸货。
- Cargo survey and find below standard filing claim. 货品检验后发现不合标准,故请求索赔。