- imperial concubine Mei 梅妃
- Story has it that before Emperor Xuanzong lavished his love on Yang Guifei, his favourite imperial concubine was one Lady Mei or Plum whose original name was Jiang Caiping. 相传,唐玄宗宠爱杨贵妃之前,最宠爱的是梅妃,她叫江采苹。
- She is an imperial concubine and one of the emperor's favorites. 她是皇帝的倢伃,十分受皇帝宠信。
- The high-ranking Imperial Concubine Yang was a plump beauty in Tang Dynasty. 杨贵妃的体态充盈,是个唐代的美人。
- Besides the 13 emperors,there buried 23 empresses,a high-ranked imperial concubine and tens of palace maids. 陵内除葬有13位皇帝外,还葬有皇后23人,皇贵妃1人,以及数十名殉葬宫人。
- Noble family with red beautiful imperial concubine identity to come, a king of education. 名门闺秀红秀丽以贵妃的身分进宫,圆满达成教育国王的任务。
- The emperor bestowed on her the title of imperial concubine of the highest rank. 皇帝册封她为贵妃。
- The king had an imperial concubine on whom he doted most.He never refused her requests. 泰昭王有个最受宠爱的妃子,只要妃子说一,昭王绝不说二。
- This precious piece known as the “jade cabbage with insects” was part of the dowry of an imperial concubine during the Ching Dynasty and handed down for posterity . 热闹的清朝婚嫁队伍,装扮贵气逼人的贵妃,就是豫剧皇后王海玲,相传当时跟随出嫁的隆重嫁妆,就是有故宫镇宫之宝之称的“翠玉白菜”。
- After several years she became ennobled high-ranked imperial concubine and ranked with the Empress the she was named as Yang Gui Fei. 几年后,杨玉环宠冠后宫,地位高升。被晋封为皇后,史称杨贵妃。
- In order to welcome the homecoming imperial concubine, the Jia family became busier and built a garden of grand views for the occasion. 为迎接元妃省亲,贾府上下开始忙碌,还专修了一座大观园。
- In ancient time, gui Ruyang high-ranked imperial concubine, wanting to eat fresh litchi in north also is a very extravagant enjoyment. 在古代,贵如杨贵妃,要想在北方吃到新鲜的荔枝也是一件极为奢侈的享受。
- Originally a dancer in the family of Princess Yang'e, she was favored by Emperor Cheng of the Han Dynasty, who made her an imperial concubine and later the empress. 她原是阳阿公主家的女伎,后被汉成帝看中,迎进宫中封为婕妤,最后竟贵为皇后。
- The main types of Luhong litchis are Imperial Concubine Smile, White Sugar Poppy and March Red, of which characters are of more pulp and juicy and sweet as honey. “鲁宏”牌荔枝主要品种是妃子笑、白糖罂、三月红等,其特点是肉厚,多汁,浓甜如蜜。
- Xiangxi River rises in the Shennongjia Forest District of west place in Hubei, and it is the imperial concubine in Han Dynasty -Wang Zhaojun’s homeland. 香溪河以它美丽富饶和博大情怀,滋润着昭君故里这方热土,哺育兴山儿女。
- The large-scale light art painting "The Highest-ranking Imperial ConcuBine Yang Dancing in a Luxurious Dress"is shown with Brilliant colour that exhiBits every detail properly and rightly. 大型《杨贵妃霓裳羽衣舞》灯光艺术画,其每个细节的绚丽色彩都体现得十分贴切,恰到好处。
- He stood up and went across to look at a silk-embroidered picture on the wallThe Imperial Concubine Chao-chun Leaving the Frontier. Then he wandered over to the window and stared out at the trees in the garden. 他站起来看看墙壁上那幅缂丝的《明妃出塞》图,又踅到窗边望望花园里的树木。
- Pinstripe fabrics matchs on a few small broken beautiful back cushion, this " high-ranked imperial concubine chair " of softhearted affectionately tonal bring authentic country rural amorous feelings. 细条纹面料配上几个小碎花靠枕,这把“贵妃椅”温情脉脉的色调带来正宗的乡村田园风情。
- Originally extremely wealthy, with a female member was made an Imperial Concubine, the family eventually fell into disfavour with the Emperor, and had their mansions raided and confiscated. 起初,贾氏家族极为富有,且家族中有一女在皇宫做王妃。然而,随着清王朝的没落,贾家终也难逃厄运,遭到被抄家,房屋被充公的下场。