- She's outgoing and a good mixer. 她性格外向,善于交际。
- centrifugal impeller mixer 离心叶轮混合器
- impeller mixer 叶轮式混合机
- To punish or impel as if by whipping. 痛斥,鞭挞象鞭抽那样惩罚或鞭策
- High pressure impeller begins to run. 高压叶轮就开始运转。
- We may refer to such a cell as a perfect mixer. 我们可以把这样的元件称为理想混合器。
- To push high pressure impeller to run. 高压气体推动高压叶轮运转。
- After tilting the ministry with impeller blade. 叶轮带有后倾式的上下叶片。
- Anticlockwise, viewed from the impeller inlet. 由叶轮进口看逆时针旋转。
- Raymond is good mixer/Bad mixer. 雷蒙德普善于交际/不善于交际
- Does impeller turn freely by hand? 用手是否能够轻松旋转叶轮
- Mixer is an important part of CNG engine. 混合器是天然气发动机的重要部件。
- Sometimes the chain comes off the mixer. 有时卡圈从接合器上掉下来了。
- It's so thoughtful of you to give us a mixer. 这件礼物真是太贴心了,
- He say he have is impel to crime by poverty. 他说贫困逼得他犯罪。
- The network of asphalt concrete mixer. 沥青搅拌设备网。
- To move or impel to action, effort, or speed;spur. 催促,力劝促使行动、努力或加速;剌激
- To do this job well, you need to be a good mixer. 要做好这项工作, 你要善于与人相处。
- Reset Matrix Mixer and Clear Matrix Memory. 重新启动矩阵器,并且清除记忆。
- My final goal is to impel the China's renaissance! 我的最终目的是推动中华民族屹立于世界民族之林!