- YL gear impeller aerator is one of farming machines widely used in aquaculture at present. YL型齿轮式叶轮增氧机,是目前水产养殖业广泛采用的养殖机械之一。
- The aeration experiment of black-odor river was conducted by the use of three aerator equipments, such as paddlewheel aerator, impeller aerator and injector aerator. 利用叶轮式曝气机、水车式曝气机、射流式曝气机等3种不同曝气方式的曝气设备进行了黑臭河涌曝气试验。
- impeller aerator 叶轮增氧机
- Keywords black-odor river;aeration;impeller aerator;paddlewheel aerator;injector aerator; 黑臭河道;河道曝气;叶轮式曝气机;水车式曝气机;射流式曝气机;
- The aerator consists of 6 major components as reducer, electromotor, cover, impeller, strut bar, floating ball, and etc. 该增氧机主要由减速箱、电动机、罩壳、叶轮、支撑杆和浮球等主要部件组成。
- To punish or impel as if by whipping. 痛斥,鞭挞象鞭抽那样惩罚或鞭策
- For the assembly and connection of aerator composed of reducer, electromotor, cover, impeller, strut bar, and floating ball, please refer to Fig. 1. 增氧机的减速箱、电动机、罩壳、支撑杆、叶轮和浮球等六大部件的整机装配连接方法参见图一。
- High pressure impeller begins to run. 高压叶轮就开始运转。
- To push high pressure impeller to run. 高压气体推动高压叶轮运转。
- After tilting the ministry with impeller blade. 叶轮带有后倾式的上下叶片。
- Anticlockwise, viewed from the impeller inlet. 由叶轮进口看逆时针旋转。
- Does impeller turn freely by hand? 用手是否能够轻松旋转叶轮
- He say he have is impel to crime by poverty. 他说贫困逼得他犯罪。
- To move or impel to action, effort, or speed;spur. 催促,力劝促使行动、努力或加速;剌激
- The comprehensive oxygen transfer of high power inverse cone surface aerator versus the rotation speed and immersed depth of impeller was researched experimentally. 通过试验 ,对大功率倒伞型曝气机的综合充氧性能随叶轮旋转线速度和浸没深度变化的规律进行了研究。
- My final goal is to impel the China's renaissance! 我的最终目的是推动中华民族屹立于世界民族之林!
- To urgeor force to action; impel. 逼迫鼓动或强迫行动;推动。
- To move or impel to action,effort,or speed;spur. 催促,力劝促使行动、努力或加速;剌激
- To impel as if with a spur; urge on. 鞭策似用刺激物驱赶; 怂恿
- To urge or force to action;impel. 逼迫鼓动或强迫行动;推动