- Mr Ferguson did not dwell on the impact of purchases of US securities by Asian central banks on the dollar and US interest rates. 有关亚洲各国央行购买美国证券资产对美元和美国利率所产生的影响,弗格森先生没有详谈。
- I'd like to see the person in charge of purchasing. 我想拜见负责采购的人。
- Do you have any area of Purchasing specialty? 你在采购专业方面是否有专长的领域?
- It's difficult to assess the impact of the President's speech. 总统讲话的巨大影响很难估计。
- Please tell me who is in charge of purchasing. 请告诉我采购部门的负责人是哪一位?
- Measures of Economic Impacts of Weather Extremes. 极端天气影响的估计。
- The impact of the report is augmented by its timing. 由于发表的时间选得好,这篇报导的影响更大了。
- The loss of purchasing power spreads through the economy. 购买力下降的损失波及整个经济。
- What does the impact of organization climate show? 组织风气的影响揭示了什么?
- Few can deny the impact of his leadership. 几乎没有人能否定他的领导作用。
- The traveler's checks cost1.5% of the total amount of purchase. 旅行支票手续费是购买总额的1。5%。
- The impact of the tennis ball really sting his leg. 网球撞击在他的腿上,真够疼的。
- The impact of the tennis ball really stung his leg. 网球撞击在他的腿上,真够疼的。
- The impact of the blow knocked Jack off balance. 这一记猛击把杰克打了个趔趄。
- impacts of purchasing 采购要素
- The noise impact of traffic is also of concern. 汽车所产生的噪音也值得关注。
- You have no divine right of purchase. 你没有神圣不可侵犯的购买权。
- PDP color TV faces the impact of "Korea tide"? 等离子彩电面临“韩流”冲击?
- He was busy calculating the cost of purchasing a new home. 他正忙于计算购买一套新房的费用。
- The impact of the Olympic bid is huge. 申奥的影响是巨大的。