- The impact ripped off one of the Piper's wings and sent both aircraft plunging into the Hudson River, not far from the spot where U. 撞击撕裂了私人飞机的一侧机翼,导致两架飞机相继坠入哈德逊河,坠机地点距离今年一月份全美航空(U.
- The machine is used to rip up the documents. 这台机器使用来搅碎旧布并为织出新布提供纤维的。
- My cat have its ear rip open by a dog. 我的猫的耳朵被狗咬破了。
- Exhibiting short, jumbled waves, as a tidal rip. 波浪起伏的显示短而杂乱的波浪的,比如在海潮中
- She sewed up the rip in his sleeve. 她缝好了他衣袖上的裂口。
- These bullets fragment on impact. 这些子弹射中物体时爆炸成碎片。
- Her speech made a tremendous impact on everyone. 她的演说对大家震动很大。
- Don't trust him; he will rip up a contract as soon as it's signed. 别信任他,合同一签订他就会撕毁的。
- The front of the car crumpled on impact. 汽车的前部被撞扁了。
- impact ripper 冲唤平巷掘进机,冲唤挑顶机
- Please sew up this rip in my sleeve. 请缝我袖子上的裂口。
- You should rip the cover off the box first. 你首先应当把这个盒子的封套扯掉。
- It's difficult to assess the impact of the President's speech. 总统讲话的巨大影响很难估计。
- The nail perforated her coat and left an ugly rip. 钉子穿透她的上衣,留下一块难看的破绽。
- I asked my mother to sew up this rip in my sleeve. 我让母亲缝上我袖子上的裂缝。
- Just loll there: quiet dusk: let everything rip. 只消懒洋洋地享受这宁静的黄昏,一切全听其自然。
- The plane flew into a mountain and disintegrated on impact. 飞机冲向一座山,撞得粉碎。
- The impact of the stone against the windowpane shattered the glass. 石头撞击窗户打碎了玻璃。
- Why get involved? Forget about it and let it rip. 何必管它呢?别把它放在心上,听其自然吧。
- The impact of the report is augmented by its timing. 由于发表的时间选得好,这篇报导的影响更大了。