- impact on global economy 全球影响
- The outlook was, however, subject to a number of uncertainties, including the impact on the global economy of the current international tensions. 然而,经济前景受多项不明朗因素影响,包括目前国际局势紧张对全球经济造成的影响。
- Europe's stock markets have seen steeper falls than the U.S. in recent days as investors have worried about the credit crunch's impact on the global economy. 近日来欧洲股市跌幅甚于美股,因投资者都在担心信贷危机对全球经济的影响。
- The human pain of rising inflation is triggering new fears of social unrest and raising concerns about an overheating economy and the danger of an inflationary impact on the global economy. 多年来,中国一直帮助加拿大和全世界保持低廉物价,透过似乎无限扩张的低价出口品提供通缩效应。但一些分析家警告说这种通缩好处可能很快终结,中国正苦于控制它猛冲的经济。
- At the same time, the impact on the global economy of China's opening to foreign trade and investment was graphically illustrated by Tuesday's8.8 per cent drop in the Shanghai Composite Index. 但是,星期二上海综合指数下跌8.;8%25,却勾画出中国的外贸和投资开放对全球经济的影响。
- "This problem, if not solved, is Bound to inflict a Big negative impact on the steady growth of the global economy, and make it impossible for mankind to achieve common development and prosperity. 这个问题不解决,必将对全球经济的稳定发展产生极大的负面影响,人类共同发展繁荣的目标就不可能实现。
- Although export subsidies are a potent symbol of the rich world's iniquitous farm policies, they have little impact on global commerce. 根据世界银行的数据,理论上,撤消农业补贴,接受农业自由贸易,只能给全球经济带来2%25的增长。
- Asia 'may not be levered in the strict sense of reliance on global credit,' says Mr.Roach.'But it's certainly levered to the global economy. 罗奇说,从严格意义上来说,对全球信贷系统的依赖或许并非撬动亚洲经济增长的杠杆,但全球经济对亚洲的推动显然是居功至伟。
- Today's rapid development in science and technology is bringing about increasingly greater impact on global political and economic pattern and people's social life. 科学技术的突飞猛进,越来越深刻地影响着世界政治经济的格局和人们的社会生活。
- Although the debate is in its early stages, any shift to a more active investment approach by traditionally conservative Japan would have a major impact on global markets. 尽管讨论尚处于初级阶段,但是,只要传统上较为保守的日本转而采取更积极的投资方式,就会对全球市场产生重大影响。
- Abstract: The Pacific decadal and interdecadal oscillation (PDO) has been extensively explored in recent decades because of its profound impact on global climate systems. 摘 要: 近10年来;太平洋年代际振荡(PDO)因其对全球气候系统的深远影响而得到广泛的研究.
- The Pacific decadal and interdecadal oscillation (PDO) has been extensively explored in recent decades because of its profound impact on global climate systems. 近10年来;太平洋年代际振荡(PDO)因其对全球气候系统的深远影响而得到广泛的研究.
- The uncertain factors brought about by the September 11th incident have exerted serious negative impacts on the global economy that has recorded a slowdown for a long time. “9·11”事件带来的不确定性因素,给全球长期下滑的经济带来了深刻的负面影响。
- Her speech made a tremendous impact on everyone. 她的演说对大家震动很大。
- But other factors have brought hydropower back into vogue, such as rising oil prices and concern about the impact on global warming from burning fossil fuels like coal. 但随着石油价格的不断飙升以及人们对燃烧煤炭等化石燃料会加剧全球变暖的担忧日益加剧等因素,水力发电重新收到青睐。
- Once worry about the credit crisis and its impact on the U.S. and global economies dissipates, many analysts say funds will resume their flow to Asian stock markets. 分析家们认为,人们一旦对信贷危机及其给美国和全球经济所带来影响的担忧情绪消散后,资金将会重新流入亚洲股市。
- This caused a notable impact on the local economy. 这给当地的经济造成了显著的冲击。
- The embargo impacted on export revenues. 禁运对出囗总收入有很大的影响。
- The comments made by Chakib Khelil, Algeria’s energy minister, came as oil prices hit a historic peak close to $120 a barrel, putting further pressure on global economies. 阿尔及利亚能源部长克利勒的此番评论,正值油价触及每桶120美元的历史高点之际,给全球经济带来了进一步的压力。
- What is his impact on the economy? 那么他对经济有什么影响呢?