- Recent concerns about global climate change,especially the impact of human activity on these changes,have sent scientists scrambling to discover how current climate trends fit into the larger picture of climate change throughout Earth's history. 近来对全球气候变化的关注,特别是人类活动对于这些变化的影响,促使科学家们急于发现当前气候变化的趋势是如何与整个地球史上经历的气候变化的大背景相吻合的。
- Currently, impact of human activities on ecological environment in valley are mining, tour, steal-hunting and browse. 当前,人类活动对谷内生态环境的影响主要为采矿、旅游、盗猎、放牧等活动。
- Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect is one of the clearest impacts of human activity to climate system. 摘要城市热岛现象是人类活动对气候系统产生的最显著的影响之一。
- Dr.Amato is a specialist in the impact of human activities on marine benthic ecosystems, fate and effects of pollutants in these ecosystems. 阿马托是联合国派抵大马士革评估漏油冲击的专家之一,其专长是评估人类活动、污染事件对海底生态的冲击。
- This paper discusses the impact of human activities on the delta processes and the corresponding management strategies with the Yangtze and Pearl River delt as examples. 日趋增大的人类活动的影响导致了新的问题,需要新的流域管理策略加以应对。
- The paper reviewed firstly "Global Change Open Science Conference 2001" held in Amsterdam, Netherlands, and analyzed the important parts of the impact of human activities in the global change in various fields of the study of global change. 综述了在荷兰阿姆斯特丹召开的“全球变化开放科学会议”的主要学术成果 ,从中分析了在全球变化研究的各个领域 ,人类活动在全球变化中所起作用的重要方面。
- With the impact of climate change and increasing the intensity of human activities, the hydrological regime has changed, including annual runoff distribution, which is relating with water resources management and ecological construction. 摘要在气候变化和人类活动的影响下,河川径流的年内分配特征也发生变化,直接影响人类开发利用和生态环境建设。
- The paper applies the dualistic distributed hydrological model (WEP-L model) to stu-dy the evolutionary laws of the Yellow River Basin s water resources under the impact of human activities. 应用分布式流域水文模型WEP-L模型初步分析了人类活动影响下的黄河水资源演化规律。
- Area of scientific interest: minimisation of the impacts of human activities on the environment. 感兴趣的科学领域:最大限度地减少人类活动对环境的影响。
- Impacts of human activities on the survival of Asian elephant in China.Society for Conservation Biology 17th Annual Meeting.Duluth, USA.Zhang L., Li Y. 博士研究期间对布氏田鼠和根田鼠的嗅觉通讯、婚配制度和社会行为策略进行了系统研究。
- In addition, we should further explore direct or indirect impacts of human activities on the processes of terrestrial erosion-deposition and the riverine carbon cycle. 此外,人类活动对陆地侵蚀-沉积过程及河流碳循环所产生的直接或间接的影响也有待于今后继续深入探索。
- Wang Yibo, Wang Genxu, Chang Juan. Impact of human activity on permafrost environment of the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Glaciology and Geocryology, 王一博,王根绪,常娟。人类活动对青藏高原冻土环境的影响。冰川冻土
- Impact of human activities on salt water intrusion in estuaries 人类活动对河口咸水入侵的影响
- Developed earlier, as early as the Neolithic period of human activity there. 开发较早,早在新石器时代已有人类活动。
- impact of human activity 人类活动影响
- Study of the impact of human activity on ecological environment and the counter-action of environment changes on mankind in Minqin Basin of Gansu--Based on a social investigation in 甘肃民勤盆地人类活动对生态环境的影响及其生态环境变化对人类的反作用研究--民勤盆地社会调查结果分析
- Impact of human disturbance on fragmentation of village-level landscape. 人为干扰强度对村级景观破碎度的影响。
- Impacts of Human Activity on Biodiversity-An Approach to Driving Force Indicators 人类活动对生物多样性的影响
- The war took a heavy toll of human life. 这次战争夺去了许多人的生命。
- She was destitute of human feeling. 她一点也没有人的感情。