- One of the main reasons is that there is nobody sustains them imo pectore when they failed. 如果有个女朋友的话,她就会时常陪伴我,而且她给我的鼓励会更加见效。
- imo pectore 从心底
- IMO even more than the Tennis Game. 我觉得甚至超过了网球比赛。
- IMO selection and training camp. 国手选训营及培训营。
- According to the proposal of the IMO A. 根据国际海事组织(IMO)A.
- Beni imo,(molto bene, bene)grazie,e lei? 非常好,(很好,好的)谢谢,你呢?
- The effective mass m * of the carrier of IMO is about 0 35 m. IMO薄膜的载流子有效质量约为电子静止质量的 0 35倍 ;
- IACS will also inform IMO when certificates are re-validated. 当证书恢复有效时,IACS也将通知IMO。
- Your best drama setting? IMO, all the settings in MG were great. 你觉得戏剧里最棒的场景是什么?在我看来,MG里所有的场景看起来都很棒。
- He's an excellent actor, he gave the character real depth imo. 他是一个出色的演员,在我看来,他给与了角色真正的深度。
- Excellent pairing IMO, makes my Koss sound like $100 cans. 我认为小M+跟高斯搭配非常合适。小M+让我的高斯听起来像是值100美元的耳机。
- My decision to homeschool was based upon necessity IMO. 我选择家庭学校是基于我自己的想法。
- How ballast water tank processing satisfies the future IMO standard? 压舱水处理满足未来IMO规范的解决方法?
- Diarra is IMO a technical limited player who plays a strong physical game. 迪亚拉技术有限,他是依靠充沛的体能比赛。
- IMO, I will buy 5600HS(D) of its larger power output and flexibility. 用尽旧镜微距能力,专人指导使用微距滤镜,拍尽微距世界!
- Well, just she just seems a little too skinny for that IMO....not enough curve. 嗯,我觉得,她只是看起来有点瘦....曲线不够。(我理解是胸部撑不起来,嘿嘿
- If anything else will happen, it will not happen before the 25th IMO. 我认为,即便会发生别的什么事情,也不会发生在25号之前。
- Hong Kong takes part in most IMO meetings. During the year, Hong Kong attended 28 such meetings held in London. 香港参与大部分国际海事组织会议,年内出席在伦敦举行的会议共28次。
- At the 16th to 20th sessions of the IMO,China was successively elected as an A-level council member state. 在国际海事组织第16至20届大会上,中国连续当选为A类理事国。
- Hong Kong takes part in most IMO meetings. During the year,Hong Kong attended 28 such meetings held in London. 香港参与大部分国际海事组织会议,年内,出席在伦敦举行的会议共28次。