- immune surveillance function 免疫监视功能
- This leads to the hypothesis that NKG2D-mediated cytolytic function could be one of the mechanisms of tumor immune surveillance. NKG2D识别肿瘤细胞表面的配体,激活效应细胞,产生有效的抗肿瘤免疫应答,是肿瘤免疫监视机制之一。
- Cancer cells evade immune surveillance is the important reasons of recurrence and metastasis of hepatocellular carcinoma. 肝癌细胞逃避免疫系统监视是肝细胞癌术后复发和转移的重要原因。
- Intercellular transfer of proteins across the immunological synapse is emerging as a common outcome of immune surveillance. 蛋白质能通过免疫神经突触在细胞间转移,目前这一个免疫监督的普遍现象逐渐被人们所重视。
- The immune surveillance and pullorum quarantine have been conducted in layer flocks of a poultry breeding farm in Guizhou province. 通过对贵州省某种禽场蛋鸡群进行的免疫监测和白痢检疫,结果表明,在3个被检的蛋鸡群中,鸡白痢的隐性感染率分别为69%25(2/29)、193%25(6/31)、0%25(0/41)。
- These data suggest that 5-Fu may enhance Fas expression in tumor cells and may increase the sensibility of them to Fas-mediated immune surveillance of the host. 5 - Fu可上调肿瘤细胞 Fas表达水平 ,由此可能增加其对 Fas介导的机体免疫监视作用的敏感性。
- Tumors are immunogenic, the immune system recognize tumors through mechanical immune surveillance, generate specific antitumor immune response to inhibit the growth of tumor. 肿瘤具有免疫原性,机体通过精细的免疫监视机制识别肿瘤,并能够产生特异性的抗肿瘤免疫反应,从而抑制肿瘤的生长。
- The epitope inducing neutralizing antibody in high variable region 1 (HVR1) is the reason for escape of host immune surveillance, evolution of chronic infection, and also difficulty of producing wide spectrum vaccine. 由于诱导中和抗体的抗原表位恰好位于其包膜抗原E2蛋白的高变区 1(HVR1) ,因而容易逃避机体的免疫监视 ,形成慢性感染 ,同时造成发展广谱预防性疫苗的困难。
- PREFACEBurnet and Thomas proposed immune surveillance theory in 50 s and 60 s this century. Immune system could recognize and kill tumor cells by immune effective cells such as TIL, LAK, and NK. 本世纪50-60年代,Burnet和Thomas提出免疫监视(immunosurveillance)学说认为机体免疫系统可以通过细胞免疫机制,主要是TIL、LAK、NK等免疫效应细胞杀灭肿瘤细胞。
- Burnet developed the immunosurveillance concept in 1971. Malignant cells obviously escape immune surveillance, which suggests that they possess the ability of evading any potentially lethal effector mechanisms operated by the immune system. 1971年Burnet首先提出免疫监视学说,认为免疫系统起了监视机体识别和破坏免疫性肿瘤细胞的作用。
- Tumor cells may escape immune surveillance due to lack of costimulatory singal which is essential for the activation of host immune system. Effective activation of T lymphocytes requires two signals from antigen presenting cells (APCs). 肿瘤免疫学研究表明:肿瘤逃避机体免疫监视的机制之一可能是因为肿瘤细胞表面缺乏使T细胞完全活化的共刺激信号。
- Microglia are the resident immune cells in the brain, in mature brains, Resting microglia exhibit a characteristic ramified morphology and serve the critical role of immune surveillance. 小胶质细胞是大脑的免疫细胞,在成熟脑静止的小胶质细胞呈分枝状,主要起免疫监视作用。
- ADSF Automatic Dependent Surveillance Function 自动相关监视功能
- immunologic surveillance function 免疫监督功能
- cell mediated immune surveillance 细胞[参与的]免疫监视[监督]
- He was immune to all persuasion. 他对所有的劝说都无动于衷。
- This article penetratively analyses the locally asymptotic stability of equilibrium state to the single-variable system of the tumor immunity surveillance model by aid of the ordinary differential equation stability theory. 摘要用严格的常微分方程稳定性理论,对肿瘤免疲监视模型的单变量系统平衡态的局部渐进稳定性做了深入分析。
- A constant, variable, function name, or expression. 一种常数、变量、函数名或表达式。
- He seems to be immune to criticism. 他似乎不受批评的影响。
- A tissue is a group of similar cells which have an identical general function. 组织是一组具有相同的一般机能的类似细胞。