- He was immune to all persuasion. 他对所有的劝说都无动于衷。
- He seems to be immune to criticism. 他似乎不受批评的影响。
- I'm immune to smallpox as a result of vaccination. 我接种过疫苗了,所以对天花有免疫力。
- The quality or condition of being immune. 免除,免疫免疫的状态或性质
- The criminal was told he would be immune if he helped the police. 这个罪犯被告知,如果他协助警方就可以免于被起诉。
- Sky king caver Ground tiger ! Treasure tower Suppres river monster! 胡说八道吧。。。要是阅兵的话。那消息铺天盖地了。。
- An innate, acquired, or induced inability to develop a normal immune response. 免疫缺陷先天的、后天的或诱发的正常免疫反应能力的缺失
- He is immune to criticism and opposition. 他不会因批评和反对受到影响。
- A full life is immune against boredom. 充实的生活无烦腻之虞。
- Could you please give me the international divi sion? 请你给我接国际姐好吗?
- Cattle are immune to equine infections anemia. 牛不感染马传染性贫血。
- It causes no pain but an illu sion of unimaginable picture. 你感觉不到痛苦,只是看到一幅不可思议的幻影。
- We are not immune to the influences around us. 我们不能不受周围环境的影响。
- Certainly,I'm sure there will be no oc ca sion for arbitration. 可以,不过我相信根本不需要仲裁。
- No one should be immune from prosecution. 任何人都不应免于被起诉。
- For mount Sion, because it is destroyed, foxes have walked upon it. 因为熙雍山已经荒芜,狐狸成群出没其间。
- The problem was that Narcissus was immune to love. 但问题是纳瑟西斯不为爱情所动。
- You'll eventually become immune to criticism. 你终究会变得不在乎批评了。
- Nobody is immune from criticism. 谁都难免受批评。
- Adults are often immune to German measles. 成人往往对风疹有免疫力。