- immune preventive methods 免疫预防
- At present Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) is still widespread use of the vaccine, but their immune preventive effect not ideal. 目前卡介苗(BCG)仍然是人们普遍使用的疫苗,但其免疫预防效果不甚理想。
- What fraud prevention methods are employed ? 必须如何防止上当受骗?
- Objective: To disscus reasons for and preventive methods of acute encephalocele during severe craniocerebral trauma. 摘要目的探讨重型颅脑损伤开颅术中急性脑膨出原因及防治。
- Objective To analyze the risk factors, characteristics and preventive methods of nosocomial infection in NICU. 摘要目的分析新生儿重症监护室医院感染的危险因素、特点及预防措施。
- Objective To investigate the risk factors and preventive methods of candida infection in bronchi-lung. 目的探讨支气管-肺念珠菌感染的危险因素及预防措施。
- Objective: In order to find causes and preventive methods of obstetric hemorrhagic shock. 目的:探讨产科失血性休克发生的原因和防治方法。
- Objective To investigate the factors and the preventive methods of gastrointestinal leakage. 目的探讨医源性胃肠漏的原因和预防措施。
- Objective To discuss the reasons for and preventive methods of acute encephalocele during traumatic cerebral operation. 目的探讨重型颅脑损伤手术中急性脑膨出的原因及防治措施。
- Objective To discuss the reason for and preventive methods of acute encephalocele during traumatic cerebral operation. 目的探讨重型颅脑损伤术中急性脑膨出的形成原因及有效的防治措施。
- D/P and D/A is facingdifferent risks and prevention methods. 付款交单与承兑交单面临的风险不同,所以两者的风险防范工作也不同。
- Objective: To explore the causes and preventive methods for the changing of laparascopic cholecystectomy (LC)to laparatomic operation. 目的:探讨腹腔镜胆囊切除术(LC)中转开腹的原因以及预防。
- What is the sunstroke prevention method with best summer? 夏天最好的防暑方法是什么?
- Objective: To study the preventive method of meconium aspiration syndrome and the warships to patients. 目的探讨胎粪吸入综合征(MAS)的防治措施及产前监护。
- Objective To analyze the causes of local injuries during laryngoscope operations under microscope support and their preventive methods. 目的探讨显微支撑喉镜手术过程中局部损伤并发症的原因和防治方法。
- The case of burrs defective in cyanide tin - copper alloy deposits were investigated and preventive methods were proposed. 分析了氰化镀铜锡合金过程中镀层出现毛刺弊病的原因,并提出了解决方法。
- The reason of normal defects for aluminum alloy extruding products are analyzed,related preventive methods are provided. 分析了铝合金挤压制品常见缺陷产生原因,提出了相应的预防措施。
- He was immune to all persuasion. 他对所有的劝说都无动于衷。
- Objective To explore the causal factors, clinical characteristics and preventive methods of pulmonary heart disease accompanied by hyponatremia. 目的探讨肺心病急性加重期并发低钠血症的发病因素、临床特征及防治措施。
- On request,it also advises the private sector on corruption prevention methods. 该处也会应私营机构的要求,就防止贪污方法提供意见。