- A jar sealed to exclude outside air; an immigration policy that excludes undesirables. 为防止外部空气进入而密封好的坛子; 阻止不受欢迎的人进入的移民政策
- Yet some of the opprobrium heaped on his government's immigration policy is misguided. 但是对他的部分不满是因为他所领导的政府的移民政策朝着错误的方向发展。
- These immigration laws established two important principles of future immigration policy. 这些移民法律为未来的移民政策确立了两条重要原则。
- The Bloc also votes regularly with NDP and Liberals in supporting a fair immigration policy,” Chow told Chinese News in a teleconference on Thursday. 魁人党团也同新民主党和自由党一样,经常为公正的移民政策而投赞成票。”
- But the Obama administration has been tinkering with immigration policy all year, and now it has announced another tweak. 但奥巴马政府这一年来却一直在对移民政策修修补补,现在它又出台了一项新举措。
- Any yet, our current immigration policy is aimed at attracting educated professionals and leaves little room for badly needed skilled or unskilled workers. 然而,我们目前的移民政策重点是吸引受过高等教育的专业移民,而非国内迫切需要的技术劳工或非技术劳工。
- Illegally crossing borders is a kind of international criminal activity. There underlie complicated causes for it, including geographical and historical factors, labor force market, economic interests, foreign immigration policy and so on. 非法出入境是一种跨国性质的违法犯罪活动,它的成因比较复杂,有地缘及历史原因,也有劳动力市场、经济利益、外国移民政策等方面的原因。
- Only the arguments about congestion and social friction seem to weigh against liberal immigration policies. 看来唯有人口密集和社会摩擦的理由不利于自由移民的政策。
- For better or worse, official US immigration policy is not geared towards this sort of social selection, and whatever the policy may be, the country cannot control the illegal influx over its southern border. 然而,不管是好是坏,反正美国官方的移民政策不与这类社会选择挂钩,而且,不管政策如何,美国控制不住从她南部边界涌入的大量非法移民。
- Canada's immigration policy is mainly based on practical economic considerations. Immigration meant importing labour, even today immigration policy is based on who the country needs to help it prosper. 接纳移民就意味着引进人才,即使是在今天移民政策也取决于国家需要何种人才以有助其繁荣。
- The Government is actively reviewing its immigration policy with a view to relaxing restrictions on the entry of overseas investors to Hong Kong and eliminate all unnecessary restrictions and barriers. 特区政府现正积极检讨进一步放宽外地人士来港投资的入境政策,消除所有不必要的限制和障碍,并加强向外推介。
- It's time for a more strategic and aggressive immigration policy, one that targets the best and brightest around the globe and makes it easy for them to become permanent residents. 是时候出台更具策略性更积极的面对全球最优秀最聪明的人才的移民政策,让他们更容易变为永久居民。
- Eurostat researchers caution that their projections are a "what if" scenario and do not take into account future changes in immigration policy or fertility rates that could alter the outcome. 欧共统计局警告说,他们的调查结果只是一种想设,没有考虑未来移民政策和出生率改变会带来的结果。
- Peters has proposed an overhaul of New Zealand's immigration policy and has attacked what he calls fraud and crime by immigrants. 彼得斯提议政府重新审核纽西兰的移民政策,并且强烈抨击他所谓新移民所犯下的诈欺和罪行。
- But Labour has special reasons for touting its patriotism this year.One of them is the Tories' relentless attack on the government's immigration policies. 不过工党今年吹捧爱国主义是有特殊理由的,其中之一就是保守党人对政府移民政策的无情攻击。
- Uranus is forcing you to look at hidden aspects of yourself (attitude, self-destructiveness, etc) and society (institutions, bureaucracies, immigration policies, etc). 天王星是强迫你看看你自己隐藏方面(态度,自我毁灭性等)和社会(机构,官僚机构,移民政策等)。
- inaugurate a new immigration policy. 创制新的移民政策
- The association called for the British government to follow the US, which last month abandoned tighter anti-terrorist immigration policies after Ivy League and state universities experienced recruitment difficulties. 该联合会呼吁英国政府仿效美国的做法。由于美国常春藤名校和各州立大学招生面临困难,美国上月已放弃了规定较严的反恐怖主义移民政策。
- He took out a fire insurance policy for his house. 他为自己的房子办理了一份火险保险单。
- From immigration policies as door guard to the endurance of different identities, Canadian identity shows itself as a fan-like open-ended area that has the sameness of Canadian nation as its starting point and multiethnic culture as its radiant sector. 从移民政策这道门槛到多种移民身份的包容,加拿大的身份形成了开放式的扇状结构,以加拿大民族共性为起点,多民族特色为辐射。