- immediate data dependency 直接数据相关性
- A more subtle problem is data dependency. 较错综复杂的问题是依赖性。
- How does a database help to solve the data dependency problem? 数据库又如何协助解决数据依赖性问题呢?
- By default, the export operation includes steps that have a data dependency. 默认情况下,导出操作包含具有数据依赖性的步骤。
- Data integration dependency: Data integration business rules usually contain object and data dependency. 数据集成依赖性:数据集成业务规则通常包含对象和数据依赖性。
- All conceptions, including Content DataModel (CDM), Data Dependency Graph (DDG) and Data Update Subgraph (DUS)are defined. 以GUI抽象描述模型为基础,本文提出了GUI内容数据的建模方法。 通过定义数据依赖图和数据更新子图记录和表现数据间的依赖关系和变化。
- The effects of an ORDER BY clause on mixed-case data depend on the database collation and case sensitivity specified when the database is created. ORDER BY子句对混合大小写数据的影响取决于在创建数据库时指定的数据库归类和大小写。
- Subtasks may need to migrate from one node to another node due to the data dependency between the subtasks.Subtask migration is accomplished by communicating among the nodes. 由于子工作间的资料相依性与工作指派的结果, 导致运算节点上的子工作需进行转移, 然而子工作转移所进行的动作就是运算节点间的资料传递。
- Company code data depends on the company code organization. 公司代码数据依赖于公司代码组织。
- However, by using traditional multiplier, there is data dependency between iterations. To reduce the delay of data dependency, a novel multiplier, named oblong multiplier by its partial product shape is proposed. 用传统的平行四边形乘法器实现大数模幂乘 ;存在两次迭代之间的数据相关问题 .
- Added option to rip data immediately Data Ripper is launched using previous settings. 增加重组数据立即执行打开选项,并回到上次执行设置。
- He is busy sucking in with his immediate superior. 他忙着巴结自己的顶头上司。
- I took an immediate scunner to him. 我一看到他就反感。
- Data Dependency and Normalization in OODB 面向对象数据库中的数据依赖和规范化
- This work demands your immediate attention. 这件工作急需你立即处理。
- The best way to load the data depends on what kinds of operations are performed and how much data needs to be loaded. 装入数据的最佳方法取决于所执行操作的类型以及需要装入多少数据。
- Our immediate requirement is extra staff. 我们亟需增加工作人员。
- There are types of data dependencies limit ILP for maintaining correct program behavior. 资料相依性限制了指令的平行度因为我们必须维持正确的程式执行行为。
- It can be excluded with data dependent way based on Riemannian geometry for improved SVM. 基于黎曼几何的SVM数据依赖性改进方法能够剔除支持向量携带的冗余信息,改进SVM的性能。
- What are your plans for the immediate future? 你最近有什麽计画?