- Imbalance Thrust Force Method (ITFM) 不平衡推力法
- Slope Stability Analysis by Imbalance Thrust Force Method 边坡稳定分析中不平衡推力法的两种解法
- Accuracy and application range of Imbalance Thrust Force Method for slope stability analysis 边坡稳定不平衡推力法的精度分析及其使用条件
- imbalance thrust force method 不平衡推力法
- imbalance thrust force 不平衡推力
- unbalanced thrust force method 不平衡推力法
- The thrust force of an airplane is produced by the propeller. 飞机的推力由螺旋桨所产生。
- Initial clamp strength can be adjusted steplessly, the proportion increase method was selected in the thrust force. 初始夹紧力无级可调,推力采用比例加载方式。
- The reasonable calculation method of thrust force and its influencing factors were studied by applying mathematics and mechanics based on the working mechanism of EPB shield machine. 应用数学和力学方法,从土压平衡盾构的掘削工作机理入手,研究顶进推力的计算方法及其影响因素。
- An impeller of a medical micro-robot utilizing the thrust force generated by the rotation of screws is studied. 研究了一种利用螺旋旋转时产生牵引力的医用微型机器人的驱动机构。
- Dowels must not be used to withstand side thrust force (keys are to withstand this force and will be specified when quoting). 当承受侧力时不能使用合销(健用来承受这种压力,在报价时应说明)。
- The force method of analysis can be applied to any structure subjected to loading or environmental effects. 分析的方法可适用于承受荷载或外界效应的任何结构。
- The axial thrust force and the load capacity of hydrodynamic pressure are analyzed and calculated in detail when screws of different shapes are adopted in the micro-robot. 详细分析计算了医用微型机器人在采用不同形状螺纹下螺旋时所产生的轴向摩擦牵引力和动压粘液膜承载量。
- The periodic external force method has a better precision and it does not need absolute disp... 功率谱方法精度较高;且不需要测量出绝对位移;但是测量结果受到系统噪声影响较大.
- This paper solved out link moments of each edge of arch folded plate structures with force method of elemental plate based on the reference. 本文在文献(1)基础上;用单元板力法求出拱型折板结构的棱边弯矩.
- The force method, which is introduced the concept of surface force density of membrane element, is used to find the form of tensility strcutres. 考虑膜单元的面力密度的力法找形方法,通过调整面力密度能够获得不同形状的曲面。
- This paper presents the method determining the reasonable WOB by the thrusting force analysis of the bearing section of transmission shaft section. 通过对传动轴止推轴承的受力分析,提出了合理钻压的确定方法。
- So, the normal and thrust forces are applied independently to levitate and propel a SLIM maglev vehicle without additional levitation magnets. 由此可以将单边直线感应电机的法向力和牵引力分别用于直线电机车辆的悬浮及牵引控制,实现不设悬浮电磁铁的直线感应电机车辆的悬浮牵引同时运行。
- The fascist soldier thrust his bayonet into the man's body. 那个法西斯士兵把刺刀刺入那人的身体。