- Bing Chi Imagination Art Class train students to master the skills of water colour, poster colour, crayon, pencil colour, pastel, acrylic, sketch, Chinese painting and comic.. 秉持想象力美术班能教导你们掌握应用水彩,海报彩,蜡笔,铅笔颜色,粉彩,亚克力彩,素描中国,水墨画及漫画。
- This is a very imaginative art piece, the innocent of Child and his interest has been exhibited well. 这是个极其具有想象力的作品;孩子的童真和童趣都得到了充分的发挥.
- Language teaching is both a science and art. 语文教学既是一门科学又是一种艺术。
- The facts prodded at my imagination. 这些事激发了我的想像力。
- She always has a morbid imagination. 她总在做病态的想像。
- That's beyond the reach of my imagination. 那是我想象不到的。
- As a work of art it is very poor. 作为艺术品这是十分拙劣的。
- Adventure stories fired his imagination. 冒险小说激发起他的想像力。
- Her imagination tends to run away with her. 她的想像力如脱缰之马难以驾驭。
- My daughter is a child with vivid imagination. 我女儿是一个想象力活跃的孩子。
- A realm of imagination or fantasy. 仙境,幻境想象或幻想的王国
- Did you see the art exhibition downtown? 你看了闹市区的美术展览吗?
- Works of art that exalt the imagination. 能增强人们想象力的艺术作品
- This is not imagination but reality. 这不是想象,是事实。
- By anybody's standards that work of art is A-1. 那件艺术品按任何人的标准都是第一流的。
- Use your imagination to find an answer. 运用你的想像力来寻找答案。
- Bill took up art while at school. 比尔在上学期间学习美术。
- His work displays a woeful lack of imagination. 他的作品令人遗憾地显示出缺乏想像力。
- Dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return. 你本是尘土就该归於尘土。
- Jimmy does not have a scrap of imagination. 吉米一点想像力也没有。