- imaginary sample points 虚样本点
- A crude way to verify the accuracy of the estimating equation is to examine the graph of the sample points. 检验估计公式的一种粗略方法,是考察一下样本点的图象。
- The general proportion of the noises and excrescent sample points are analyzed in locality and quantity. 该方法定位定量分析了噪点及多余样本点的一般比例。
- Regression software programs graph the sample points and give the (cost-function) formula of the straight line that best fits the points. 回归软件程序将样本点用图表示,并且给出最拟合样本点的直线的价值函数公式。
- Soil gas sampling and analysis at 91 sites, 2235 sampling points. 91处场址2235点土壤气体采样及分析。
- Harmonic analysis usually adopts FFT algorithm, the 280 Sample points need interpolation management, which make FFT faster. 谐波分析通常采用FFT算法,为了加快FFT的运算速度,需要对280个采样点进行插值处理。
- The easiest way to do this is to divide the sample point difference by the total difference. 做这个最简单的方法是用总计的差异值去除采样点的差异值。
- When PVT sample points are not uniform in distribution, the parameters of geometric center in a reservoir should be selected to estimate reserves. 当PVT样品点分布不均匀时,储量评估中应选取油藏几何中心点对应的参数值。
- Based on the critical point algorithm and zero-match algorithm, an improved algorithm for finding sample points of algebraic decomposition was proposed. 基于非线性多项式方程的零点配对算法以及临界点算法,给出了一种求平面代数剖分样本点的改进算法。
- The computation results show that parallel genetic algorithm is fit for data reduction problem with large scale and large data sample point. 计算结果表明,并行遗传算法适合于求解问题规模较大及大数据样本点的数据约简问题。
- At the level of species categories, the means mercury contents of macrobenthos at each sample point were higher in the creek than that under forest. 在动物类别水平上,各滩的潮沟样地动物中的汞含量均值均大于相应林内样地动物。
- In this method to tell whether one DMU is DEA efficient or not is based on the frontier of real sample points, so it is called Data Envelopment Analysis. 由于该方法中判断某个决策单元是否DEA有效,是以各实际样本点的外包络面为基础的,因此称为数据包络分析。
- Rave against one's imaginary enemies. 狂怒地攻击臆想中的敌人。
- A interpolation formula for densing finite sampling points is given. 给出了用于有限样点加密的内插公式。
- Multi-level samplers (15,000 sampling points), bromide tracer injection. 多水平取样器(15,000个取样点),
- By the learning errors of the LS-SVM model, most sample points of small errors are deleted from the original sample space, and thus the sparseness of the LS-SVM is obtained. 根据最小二乘支持向量机模型学习误差的大小,去除原变量空间中大部分误差较小的样本点,从而获得回归模型的“稀疏”特性,大大简化了模型复杂程度。
- Something unreal, insubstantial, or imaginary. 幻想不真实,不实在,或被想象出来的某个事物
- A distance is determined from the two-dimensional distance field and the set of sample points and then mapped to the antialiased intensity of the component of the pixel. 根据所述的二维距离场以及采样点集合确定一个距离,并将该距离映射为所述象素成分的反锯齿强度。
- All the characters in this book are imaginary. 这本书中的人物都是虚构的。
- Several reference land-value grading and evaluating methods are introduced, which the sample point interpolation method is fast, simple and easy to be updated. 摘要研究并介绍了几种主要的基准地价测算方法,其中样点法是一种快速直观、现势性好的新方法;