- DMC Operations will convert the information into Flexible Image Transport System (FITS) files, a digital fileformat used to store, transmit, and manipulate scientific information. DMC然后将把信息转换为可灵活传输图像系统(FITS)文件,一种可以方便的存储、传输和方便编辑科学信息的数字化(图像)文件格式。
- FITS(Flexible Image Transport System) was formally endorsed by the International Astronomical Union(IAU) in 1982.It's the formal structure for transferring and exchanging astronomical data from one installation to another. FITS(FlexibleImageTransportSystem)是国际天文台学会(IAU)于1982年确定的世界各天文台之间用于数据传输、交换的统一标准格式。
- The train is a safe means of transportation. 火车是一种安全可靠的交通工具。
- The goods have been cased up for transport. 货物已装箱待运。
- The railroad gives free transportation for a certain amount of baggage. 铁路免费运送的行李是有一定数量的。
- Please find alternative means of transport. 请另外找一个运输方法。
- Should public transport be subsidized? 公共交通应当受到资助吗?
- The transport of goods by air is very expensive. 空运货物费用十分昂贵。
- Public transportation played a subsidiary role. 公共交通起辅助的作用。
- I normally travel by public transport. 我出门通常乘坐公共交通工具。
- It takes a bit of nerve to transport explosives. 运输炸药要有点胆量。
- The machines are ready for transport. 机器待运。
- The city must improve its public transport. 该城必须改善其公共交通系统。
- She was in a transport of delight at the good news. 她听到这好消息欣喜若狂。
- Soldiers disembarked from a transport. 士兵离开运输航登陆了。
- He is the very spit and images of his father. 他和他父亲长得一模一样。
- His poetry is strewn with images of death. 他的诗里充满了死亡的形象。
- A light-sensitive unit used with an optical arrangement for scanning images. 与光学装置一起用来扫描图象的一种光敏装置。
- The company will provide transportation to the airport. 公司将提供通往机场的交通运输。
- The writer finely images the hero. 作者非常细致地描述书中的英雄。