- On the historical accumulation and aesthetic differences of the images of wild goose 论雁意象的历史积淀性及审美差异性
- A flock of wild geese flew overhead. 一群野鹅从头顶飞过。
- images of wild goose 雁意象
- Yes, this is made of wild goose feather and this is made of skylark feather. 是的,这把是用大雁羽毛做的,这把是用云雀羽毛做的。
- The viability of wild goose is very strong, grow growth is very rapid also. 野鹅的生活能力很强,生长发育也很快。
- At these words, a flock of wild geese flew over the temple. 一个和尚仰天叹道:“大慈大悲的菩萨一定不会忘记今天是什么日子!”
- This is made of wild goose feather and this is made of skylark feather. 这把是用雁毛做的,这把是用云雀毛做的。
- A column of wild geese was seen flying into the distant sky. 但见一行大雁正飞向辽远的天空。
- Software Description: About Wild Life Screensaver, This screen saver shows beautiful images of wild animals. 这个屏幕保护程序显示野兽的美丽的图片。
- I love photography.And my photography is especially rewarding when capturing images of Wild Florida and her Everglades. 我热爱摄影,当我拍摄到佛州的野生景色和大沼泽的图象的时候我就觉得很高兴。
- In the hunting he fetched down a wild goose. 打猎时他射下一只大大雁。
- This is a screen saver of more than 30 high-resolution images of wild animals--fish, tortoises, birds, tigers, dinosaurs, elephants, bears and monkeys. 这是野兽的多于30个高决议的形象的一个屏幕保护程序--钓鱼,迟钝的人,鸟,老虎,恐龙,大象,狗熊和猴子。
- A flock of wild geese landed by the lake for a short stay. 一群迁徙的大雁飞落到湖边做短暂的停留。
- One water buffalo myth conjures up an image of wild and vicious animals. 这些奇谈之一是把水牛说成是一种粗野而残暴的动物。
- Son of the wild goose, Kevin Egan of Paris. 巴黎的“野鹅”凯文·伊根的儿子。
- This 'round-the world journey features delightful puppet show and real images of wild animals, children and toys set to the beautiful music of Beethoven, Bizet and Mozart. 透过玩具、布偶与生动活泼的影片,结合贝多芬、比才、莫札特等大师的经典音乐,让宝宝认识许多遍布陆上及海底的可爱动物。
- And also, the poet expressed his lonely vagabondism through describing the images of the moon, the rain, the lotus, and the wild geese and the cranes, etc. 诗人还通过写“月、雨、萍、蓬、雁、鹤”等意象来直抒自己孤独飘泊的遭遇。
- It has a nick name "City of Wild Goose", for old saying says: "When wild gooses fly to south, they make rests here". 其城市规模、人口和经济实力多年雄踞湖南第二,是湖南无可争议的第二大城市。
- Many kinds of wild orchid are becoming rare. 很多种野生兰越来越罕见了。
- The hunters got a shot at the flock of wild geese,as they flew over. 猎人向掠过的雁群射击。