- This allows us to save bandwidth in video and image representations by subsampling the color information. 这使得我们可以借助对色彩信息的子采样来节省视频和图像信息的带宽。
- Subspace methods for face recognition, image representation, image metric, and ensemble learning. 子空间法人脸识别,图像的表示,图像距离度量,多分类器组合。
- Joint Distribution-Based Image Representations and Retrieval 彩色图象的联合分布表示及检索技术
- Modern figure painting shading mostly adopts the western sketch reproducing method, and has ignored the image representation of Chinese painting tradition. 摘要现代工笔人物画造形大多采用西方素描的再现方法,忽视了我国传统绘画的意象表现。
- This image representation method has many advantages.It can reduce redundancy, and can avoid the difficulty of image segmentation and object-oriented descriptions semantically. 这种图像特征描述方法不仅减少了图像的冗余信息,避免了目标提取的困难,同时还隐含了对图像目标特征进行语义描述的线索。
- The Log-Polar Transform (LPT) is a well-known space-variant image representation used in many image vision systems to eliminate the effects of scale and translation for the input image. 摘要对数极坐标变换是图像的一个空间变体表示,很多图像视觉系统用它来消除输入图像的缩放和平移效果。
- The heroine is the spitting image of the author. 书中女主人翁是作者的真实写照。
- Among them, quadtree decomposition is a simple technique for image representation at different resolution levels that adapts spatially, allocating more bits to those complicated areas in the image. 其中,四分树分解是一个简单技巧,它被用来在影像中代表空间上不同解析度的范围。并分配较多位元给影像?较复杂的区域。
- The rigid transformation, resampling, multi-resolution medical image representation and optimization methods for accelerated multi-resolution registration scheme were discussed in detail. 具体设计时,采用了加速的多分辨率配准方案,对方案中涉及的几何变换选取、重采样、多分辨率体数据表达及最优化方法进行了设计分析。
- I have this image of you as always being cheerful. 在我的心目中,你的样子总是兴高采烈的。
- Since panorama image is an image representation of virtual environment, panorama image mosaic technology has important applications in Virtual-Reality and Computer Vision and is the key of IBR. 其中全景图像拼接技术的研究是虚拟环境临场感的一个关键因素,已经成为虚拟现实和计算机视觉中一种重要的场景表示方法。
- The minister is trying to improve his public image. 部长正在努力提高他自己的公众形象。
- His good image has stolen up on my brain. 他的良好形象已渐渐在我头脑中形成。
- She is the express image of her mother. 她和她母亲长得一模一样。
- A defect of focus, such as blurring in an image. 像差焦点不准确而造成的物像模糊
- The display image of an area on a document. 在文卷上,某区的显示图象。
- The scandal hurt the government's image badly. 这丑闻严重损害了政府的形象。
- Her image is engraved upon my heart. 她的形象深深印在心中。
- Her image was fixed in his mind. 她的形象深深印在他的脑海里。
- He is the very spit and image of his father. 他和他父亲长得一模一样。