- All submissions can be in black &white, color or retouched by image editing software. 接受所有黑白、彩色及电脑修饰之作品参加比赛。
- image editing software; free) This open-source photo editing application packs tons of muscle into a measly 1.3MB download that doesn't cost a dime. Impressive. 图像编辑软件;免费)的开放式源图片编辑应用折吨肌肉变成进账1.;3mb下载;不费一分一毫
- image editing software 图像编辑软件
- Free video editing software list for all platforms. 免费视频编辑软件清单,为所有平台。
- In this paper we propose a unified variational image editing model. 本文提出一个统一的图像编辑的变分模型。
- Who needs FLV editing software, please contact me!... 有谁需要FLV剪辑,切割软件请联系我!
- Allows standard image editing such as cropping, resizing, and a little drawing. 允许编辑的标准的诸如收获,改变大小,和小的素描学的形象。
- The Image Edit control cannot be found. Reload Imaging. 图像编辑控件找不到,请重新加载图像处理。
- It includes common image editing tools such as zoom, hand, selection, pen, eraser and floodfill. 该软件包括普通图像编辑工具,诸如缩放、指针、选取、钢笔、橡皮擦和画线工具。
- Founder Huayuan Picture and Photo Editing Software by Beijing University Founder. 方正画苑图形图像编辑软件北京北大方正集团公司。
- This work has two major topics: one is the basic image editing operators and the other is the contour extraction. 我们的研究目的即是提供一套适合不具备影像专业知识的人使用的影像编辑软体。
- The method can also be used in word editing software, to realize WYSWYG for word editing. 该方法也可用于文字处理软件,实现文字编辑的所见即所得。
- Image editing similar to other professional photo editors is done using the GIMP. 类似于其他的专业图片编辑软件一样,图像编辑可以使用GIMP;
- Mino's product line stresses one-button simplicity, and the MinoHD comes with its own editing software on board. 对于一个体积如此小,易于使用的产品来说,这是一个很酷的壮举。
- Need convincing? Download your free trial photo editing software now and see for yourself. 需要有说服力?下载免费试用照片编辑软件,现在,看看吧。
- VideoStudio is a set of operating the simplest, most powerful DV, HDV video editing software. 会声会影是一套操作最简单,功能最强悍的DV、HDV影片剪辑软体。
- Can I accomplish the same thing by starting off with smaller image dimensions or by using the crop tool in my image editing program? 能否开始就使用较小尺寸的图片或者是利用图片编辑程序中的修剪工具,来达到这个目标呢?
- ULTRA 2's Vector Keying technology blows away the primitive keyer built into your video editing software. 即质量一般的视频,仍能被快速地生成具备高度真实性的图像。
- Optionally you can apply image editing filters and effects, including rotate, mirror, resize, adjust color balance, blur, sharpen, add border, add shadow and replace colors. 随意地,你可以应用图像编辑过滤器和效果,包括:旋转,镜像,重置尺寸,调整色彩平衡,布尔,锐化,添加边框,添加阴影和颜色替换。
- After you import the live video, you can edit the resulting video file by using video editing software, such as Windows Movie Maker. 导入现场视频后,可以使用视频编辑软件(如Windows Movie Maker)编辑得到的视频文件。