- Images display binary image data in a report. 图像用于显示报表中的二进制图像数据。
- BMP image display, as well as the chart shows that the histogram. BMP图像的显示,以及显示出该图的直方图。
- Thermosensitive Liquid Crystal Polymer Color Image Display[J]. 引用该论文 史永基;史建军;史红军.
- The Astronomical Image Processing System (AIPS) is a software package for calibration, data analysis, image display, plotting, and a variety of ancillary tasks on Astronomical Data. AIPS是一个软件包,它用于校准,数据分析,图象播放,开发和一系列的在天文学数据上的辅助性的任务。
- These controls are important for better image display on mobile devices, like hand-held computers and cell phones. 这些控件对于在移动设备上显示更优质的图片起到了重要的作用,比如手提电脑以及个人电话。
- Based on projective feature, a fast printed numeric recognition method is presented by simulating the electronic watch digital display process. 通过模拟电子表显示过程,提出一种基于数字字符投影特征的快速印刷体数字识别方法。
- Image display: Casual Wear, Professional Wear, Swimsuit, Bikini Show, etc, included. 形象展示:含休闲装、职业装、泳装、比基尼等。
- OLED belong in a newness display device,it shall bring unable measured wallop to future image display technology! 摘要:OLED属于一种崭新的显示器件,它将会对未来的图像显示技术带来无法估量的冲击力!
- Ritual Durrant (ceremonial reception site, distribute information, image display, tailoring ceremony), The (male and female may). 礼仪小姐(现场礼仪接待,派发资料,形象展示、剪裁仪式等),主持人(男、女均可)。
- Also, the software will analyze the image histogram to determine the brightness and contrast settings for the image display. 同时,软件也会分析图片的柱状图,用以确定如何显示加载图片的亮度和对比度。
- UBB Code is similar to HTML, but offers just a few basic functions, such as hyperlinking, image display, bolding and italicizing. UBB码类似如HTML,但是仅提供一些基本功能,例如超链接、图像显示、粗体和斜体。
- The image display speed of the voidage distribution was greater than 25 frames per second and the maximum voidage measurement error was less than 5%. 整个系统能以每秒25幅以上速度给出流化床空隙率动态分布图像并给出某一床层截面的空隙率测量值,测量精度可达5%25。
- Usually have three CRT electron gun, injection of the electron flow must be precisely assembled, or will not get a clear image display. CRT通常有三个电子枪,射出的电子流必须精确聚集,否则就得不到清晰的图像显示。
- With those that do, users still can defeat the effect by choosing to delay image display until after download and decoding. 那些可实现的浏览器,用户可以通过选择延时到下载解码后再显示,从而抑制这种效果。
- Furthermore, some special effects such as hardware rotation, PIP, Ink-layer transparency and virtual display are realized through controlling image display data. 提出了图像显示多灰度多彩色抖动算法及帧速率控制技术,以及对图像显示进行控制实现图像特殊显示效果,如硬件旋转、画中画、透明显示及虚拟显示等。
- The computer can display process course, forecast the equipment performance, optimize the parameters of structure and operation. So the operation of injection, extrusion, extension and mixing can be optimized. 计算机模拟可以形象、直观地显示实际加工、成型过程,预测设备性能,优选结构和操作参数,从而使注射、挤出、压延、混合、脱挥等操作实现优化。
- To improve the image display quality on DTV, an adaptive deinterlacing algorithm for digital video with two hierarchical weighted average results is proposed. 摘要为提高数字电视的图像显示质量,提出了一种数字视频的运动自适应加边缘检测的两级加权求和去隔行算法。
- It is firm and can withstand earthquakes.Furthermore, it can transform heat into electricity.More importantly, the image display function can make illusion pass for reality. 其优点是坚固耐震,且能将热能转换为电能,更重要的是其几可乱真的影像显示功能。
- ABSTRACT Objective: Comparision studying the image display accuracy of blood vessel internal diameter between PDI and CDFI by means of in vitro experimental model. 摘 要 目的 :比较能量多普勒显像(PDI)和彩色多普勒血流显像(CDFI)显示离体模拟血流血管内边界的准确性。
- The VLP image and some related information can be stored in the VLP database, which can realize the function of addition, deletion, query and image display. 车牌数据库能够存储车牌图像及车辆其它相关信息,可实现记录的添加、删除、查询以及车牌图像的显示等功能。