- illegal element name 非法元素名
- He analyses the domain name that may be government of county of high mountain pool to be embezzled by illegal element, use at spreading bad news. 他分析可能是岳池县政府的域名被不法分子盗用,用于传播不良信息。
- Gets or sets the XML element name of the field contained in the. 属性中的字段的XML元素名称。
- Doing so allows you to control the namespace and element name. 这样做使您得以控制命名空间和元素名。
- For example, you can change the element name and namespace. 例如,可更改元素名和命名空间。
- The expression contained an invalid collating element name. 表达式中含有无效的校对元素名。
- Little imagine, these information carried out bilk to have decisive effect to illegal element. 殊不知,这些信息对不法分子实施诈骗起到了关键性作用。
- Once become the good friend of the user permissibly, illegal element is met with " good friend " the identity demands money to other user. 一旦获准成为用户的好友,不法分子就会以“好友”的身份向其他用户索取钱财。
- Once illegal element " record " issued a code, can pass silver of masses edition net with small pay or turn the means filch gold of Zhang. 一旦不法分子“记录”下了密码,便可通过大众版网银以小额支付或转账的方式窃取钱财。
- After user and illegal element get in touch, the other side is met wait for remittance of excuse requirement user with tax cost, poundage. 当用户与不法分子取得联系后,对方就会以税费、手续费等借口要求用户汇款。
- An element name can contain letters, digits, hyphens, underscores, and periods. 元素名称可以包含字母、数字、连字符、下划线和句点。
- Element names at each level might not be unique. 每个级别的元素名可能不是唯一的。
- Gain ground as what shop on the net, illegal element also registers shop on the net, smuggle goods in the disposal of stolen or contraband goods on the net avowedly. 随着网上购物的普及,不法分子也在网上注册店铺,并公然在网上销赃走私货。
- The element name is determined by the name of the task being created. 元素名称由正在创建的任务的名称决定。
- But, as the ceaseless grow in quantity of the ovation of this network game and player amount, became however certain the target of be covetous on of gainful illegal element. 可是,随着该网络游戏的大受欢迎和玩家数量的不断增多,却成了某些唯利是图的不法分子的觊觎目标。
- After user and illegal element get in touch, the other side is met with duty the excuse such as cost, poundage asks " win a prize in a lottery person " remittance. 当用户与不法分子取得联系后,对方就会以税费、手续费等借口要求“中奖者”汇款。
- The argument specified for the ROOT directive provides the root element name. 为ROOT指令指定的参数提供根元素名称。
- Below the circumstance that does not master digital certificate, illegal element trades with respect to the net silver that cannot complete purloin account fund. 在不掌握数字证书的情况下,不法分子就无法完成盗取账户资金的网银交易。
- Task elements do not use the word "Task" as their element name. Task元素不使用单词“Task”作为其元素名称。
- Not credulous Baidu searchs the result of engine, do not let a few illegal elements use a search the result is revulsive be duped. 不要轻信百度搜索引擎的结果,切勿让一些不法分子利用搜索结果诱导上当。