- Illegal logging still happens from time to time. 非法砍伐时有发生。
- Sometimes the cycle of destruction starts with illegal logging, which etches the first trails into the forest. 有时候,这种森林的毁灭开始于非法伐木,伐木者腐蚀开了一条进入雨林的小路。
- However, deforestation from illegal logging within the park threatens the survival of this unique ecosystem. 不过,非法的采伐森林在雨林公园之内会严重威胁到生存者及这无以伦比的生态系统。
- China's state-run news agency says the country plans to work more with Burma to control illegal logging near their shared border. 中国官方媒体说,中国计划与缅甸进一步合作,遏制两国共同边境附近的非法采伐。
- Many schemes have exaggerated how much timber they can fell and crack downs on illegal logging threaten to make their new mills unprofitable. 许多计划夸大了造纸工业可以砍伐木材的数量,从而使针对非法木材砍伐的打击力度被人为的增大了,以至于这些新的纸浆工厂面临无法盈利的境地。
- ARP cheat often happens in a LAN. By this means, Hackers can achieve their goals of illegal log on, blocking network, sniffing secret info, etc. ARP欺骗是局域网中常见的攻击方式,使用ARP欺骗可以达到非法登录、阻塞网络、嗅探机密等目的。
- Less than three months ago, federal agents swooped in to close sawmills, confiscate wood and smash charcoal furnaces in a government crackdown on illegal logging. 不到三个月前,联邦的人在政府打击非法采伐的行动中关闭了这里的锯木厂,没收了木头并且捣毁了烧炭用的熔炉。
- By eliminating the lucrative market for contraband mahogany, NRDC and its partners hope to spur Peruvian logging industry reform and put an end to illegal logging. 透过消除有利可图的桃花心木走私市场,自然资源防护协会与其夥伴希望促使秘鲁伐木产业的变革,让非法伐木消失无踪。
- Results from ‘Kenya's Important Bird Areas: Status and Trends' highlight in particular, the threat of overgrazing and illegal logging to the protection of IBAs in East Africa. 57%25的IBA受到这些因素的影响。目前肯尼亚的IBA数量为60。这是非洲的IBA第一次出版类似调查报告。
- The future of this uninhabited ecological treasure, covering more than 220,000 acres (90,000 hectares), is threatened by ever increasing illegal logging. 日益增多的非法砍伐活动,正威胁着这个90000公顷无人居住的生态宝藏的未来。
- Detention centers drew widespread attention at home and abroad last month after an inmate in Yunnan Province, Li Qiaoming, 24, charged with illegal logging, died of brain injuries. 上个月,云南省一名暂时被拘人员李桥名(24岁,被控非法砍伐)死于脑部损伤。自此之后,预审拘留中心(看守所)开始备受国内外关注。
- Deep in the world's tropical rainforests, workers are hammering thousands of barcodes into hardwood trees to help in the fight against illegal logging, corruption and global warming. 在世界热带雨林深处,工人们正在给成千上万的树木钉上条形码;他们的这种举措将有助于遏制非法采伐、森林资源管理中的贪腐、以及全球变暖等现象。
- SEEING PROFIT: Aerial and satellite images can be used to determine crop health, distinguish tanks from jeeps, chart erosion, site pipelines, find illegal logging and measure snowpack. 看见利润:航空与卫星影像能用来判断农作物健康情形、辨别吉普车和坦克车、绘制侵蚀情形、设置油管、搜索非法盗伐以及测量积雪量等。
- New Report Says China Profits from Illegal Logging 新报告说中国从非法砍伐木材中获利
- Do you know how to log in to the system? 你知道怎么登录进入这个系统吗?
- Illegal and unjustifiable funds and charges. 不合法、不合理基金和收费项目。
- The dictator represses all opposition as illegal. 这个独裁者把所有反对他的活动均视为非法加以镇压。
- Their speculative buying of grain is illegal. 他们投机购买谷物是不合法的。
- I reached for a floating log with my foot. 我伸脚去钩取一段漂浮着的木头。
- He admitted that he was an illegal immigrant. 他承认他是非法移民。