- illegal land expropriation 违法征地
- Just Compensation for Land Expropriation:Dream or Reality? 土地征收:公平补偿离我们有多远?
- The third part focuses on the land expropriation procedures. 第三部分主要论述了土地征收的程序。
- During the process of urbanization the chief question is Land expropriation. 城镇化遇到的首要问题就是征地问题。
- They are often incited by allegati** of corruption and illegal land seizures. 他们往往是为官员腐败和非法占地所逼走上这一步的。
- The fourth part focuses on the land expropriation compensation system. 第四部分主要论述了土地征收的补偿制度。
- The current land expropriation system in China needs further reform. 研究结论中国现行征地制度需要进一步改革。
- The squatter settlements originally came into being through illegal land invasions. 违章建筑区最初是通过非法的土地占有而形成的。
- Accusations of illegal land grabs and corruption have dogged China's fast-paced building expansion. 在中国快速发展的建筑扩建中处处可见非法土地侵占和贪污的例子。
- Key words: country; farmer; collective owned land; land expropriation compensation; character. 关键词]农村;农民;集体土地;征地补偿;性质
- But while it has been designed to protect against land seizures, some fear it will legitimise the illegal land grabs that have already taken place. 虽然这部法律旨在防止土地征收,有些人担心这将使已经被非法侵占的土地合法化。
- Inspectorate official said that the inspectors found through this illegal land market still strong local government acts color. 督察组有关负责人表示,通过此次督察发现土地市场中违法违规问题仍有较强的地方政府行为色彩。
- In the interview, under the place land law enforcement cadre's has the worry to land supply and demand giant gap illegal land impulsion. 采访中,地方土地执法干部对土地供需巨大缺口下的违法用地冲动不无担心。
- Real estate has become a primary engine of the Chinese economy, but also a source of widespread official corruption and illegal land confiscations. 房地产已经成为中国经济的主要动力之一,但是同时存在的是贪污腐败的源头以及非法的土地征用和没收。
- One of important parts in land expropriation is land requisition value-substitute. 土地征收制度重要的内容之一就是对征收土地进行补偿。
- With the development of market economy, the defects of land expropriation system have come to be obvious. 在市场经济不断发展的今天,我国的土地征收制度越来越暴露出其不足之处。
- The system of compensation for land expropriation is an important law system to resolve these rights conflicts. 土地征收补偿便是调节、衡平和解决这些权益冲突的一项重要法律制度。
- Therefore, to reform and improve the current land expropriation system is imperative. 因此,改革和完善现行土地征收制度势在必行。
- China's criminal law, illegal land crimes, including one very important premise that the "curb" illegal land only, not for personal benefit is not criminally prosecuted. 我国刑法上有非法批地罪,其中有一个很重要的前提,即“徇私舞弊”,仅仅是非法批地,个人没有得好处,是不能追究刑事责任的。
- Part two examines the foreign compensation system of land expropriation and its impact on our country. 第二部分则主要介绍了域外的土地征收补偿标准及其对我国的启示。