- illegal dumping of wastes 违法弃置废物
- The dumping of wastes and other substances as listed in Annex I is prohibited. 禁止倾倒附件一所列的废弃物及其他物质(见附件一)。
- Hon Fred LI raised a question on the illegal dumping of construction demolition waste. 李华明议员就非法倾倒建筑废料提出质询。
- The dumping of wastes or other matter listed in Annex I shall be prohibited (See Annex I). 一、禁止倾倒附件一所列的废弃物及其他物质(见附件一)。
- The Competent Authority shall monitor and supervise the dumping of wastes at sea and, when necessary, send officials to go with the vessel. 第十三条主管部门应对海洋倾倒活动进行监视和监督,必要时可派员随航。
- If the dumping of wastes is conducted from vessels, the harbour superintendency administration of the port of departure or of a nearby harbour shall be notified for verification. 利用船舶倾倒废弃物的,还应通知驶出港或就近的港务监督核实。
- XX company's irresponsible dumping of wastes to non-designated places has caused serious environmental pollution and attracted a number of waste pickers. Please see the photo attached. Xx公司随意往现场外倾倒垃圾,导致严重的环境污染,并引来大批的拾荒者,请看所附照片。
- Recently it expanded its terms of reference to undertake an inter-departmental co-ordinating role aimed to achieve more effective and quicker responses to problems of indiscriminate and unregulated dumping of waste throughout the territory. 该组最近扩大其职权范围,就本港随处弃置废物的情况负起跨部门统筹责任,以便更有效和更快速地解决问题。
- Beginning dump of physical memory. 开始内存的倾卸。
- The dumping of radioactive waste into the sea was banned in 1970. 禁止倾倒放射性废料入海的禁令在1971年颁布。
- Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter 防止倾倒废物和其它物料污染海洋的公约
- Because of the serious impacts of illegal dumping on the marine environment,the EPD maintains strict control over dumping operations. 非法倾物入海会严重影响海洋环境,环保署一直严格管制这类活动。
- Protocol on the Prevention of Marine Pollution on Mediterranean Sea by Dumping of Wastes from Ships and Aircraft 防止船舶和航空器倾倒废物造成地中海污染的议定书
- Because of the serious impacts of illegal dumping on the marine environment, the EPD maintains strict control over dumping operations. 非法倾物入海会严重影响海洋环境,环保署一直严格管制这类活动。
- Let's make friends, instead of wasting our time on recriminations. 我们交个朋友吧,不要浪费时间互相指责。
- As part of its activities the Millar Creek Preservation Group campaigns against illegal dumping and attempts by developers to encroach on the wetlands. 米勒溪保护协会的行动包括对抗非法倾倒,阻止建商开发溼地。
- Any licensee or his/her authorized lorry driver who is convicted in court for illegal dumping will entail withdrawal of the licence. 任何执照持有人或其授权的泥头车司机在法庭上被裁定进行非法倾卸物料均会导致撤销执照。
- International rules on dumping of wastes at sea to be strengthened with entry into force of 1996 Protocol 1996议定书的生效将增强国际规则对海中倾倒废弃物的管理
- (1) The dumping of wastes or other matter listed in Annex I shall be prohibited (See Annex I). 一、禁止倾倒附件一所列的废弃物及其他物质(见附件一)。
- Chapter VI Prevention of Pollution Damage to the Marine Environ- ment by Dumping of Wastes 第六章 防止倾倒废弃物对海洋环境的污染损害