- IF statement assembly control 如果语句的汇编控制
- statement assembly control 语句汇编控制
- After executing the if statement, control is transferred to the next statement. 执行if语句之后,控制传递给下一个语句。
- An if statement tests a condition. if语句测试一个条件。
- The IF statement is used to test for a condition. IF语句用于条件的测试。
- Use the IF statement for control flow, which is unlike the IIf (MDX) function and the CASE Statement (MDX) that can only be used to return values or objects. 使用控制流的IF语句,该语句不同于IIf(MDX)函数和仅可用于返回值或对象的CASE语句(MDX)。
- With the new IsNot operator, the following If statement is possible. 利用新的IsNot运算符,下面的If语句是有效的
- Based on this technology, the dynamic creation of VRML scene, the assembly control, the collision detection and the animation of assembly sequence are realized. 在此基础之上可以完成VRML场景的动态生成、装配控制、碰撞检测以及装配过程的动画回放等功能。
- They can include control statements that allow repetition (LOOP statement) and conditional execution (IF statement and CASE statement) of SQL statements. 它们包括允许SQL语句的重复执行(LOOP语句)和条件执行(IF语句和CASE语句)的控制语句。
- In the following example a Boolean flag flagCheck is set to true and then checked in the if statement. 下面的示例将Boolean标志flagCheck设置为true,然后在if语句中检查该标志。
- A value of NULL fails the test and the code inside the if. End if statement is not executed. 值为NULL会导致测试失败并且不执行if.;end if语句中的代码。
- If any of the arguments to IF are arrays, every element of the array is evaluated when the IF statement is carried out. 如果IF的参数包含数组,则在执行IF语句时,将计算数组中的每一个元素。
- If the first logical_test is FALSE, the second IF statement is evaluated, and so on. 如果第一个logical_test为FALSE,则计算第二个IF语句,以此类推。
- The if statement selects a statement for execution based on the value of a Boolean expression. if语句根据Boolean表达式的值选择要执行的语句。
- For non-integral types,you must use a series of if statements. 对于非整数类型,则必须使用一系列if语句。
- Use an if statement to ensure that the data being dragged is of an acceptable type (in this case, text). 使用if语句来确保所拖动的数据类型为可接受的类型(在本示例中为文本类型)。
- For non-integral types, you must use a series of if statements. 对于非整数类型,则必须使用一系列if语句。
- The If statement checks for this condition and exits if it exists, preventing endless looping. 语句会检查此条件,如果它存在,则退出,从而防止无限循环。
- The If statement in the preceding example checks the value of the parameter clockwise. 前面示例中的If语句检查参数clockwise的值。
- You should use the if statement if you want to execute some code only if a specified condition is true. 你应该在代码在只有一个状态为真的情况下就执行的时候使用这条语句。