- if he meets their requirements. 如果条件符合.
- He'll get a bad name for himself if he ogles at every girl he meets. 他要是对他碰见的每个姑娘都使媚眼,就会名声扫地。
- He met their criticism with indifference. 对他的批评他处之泰然。
- This puts pressure on us to devise more advanced materials to meet their requirements. 这给我们带来了压力,要设计更为高级的材料,以满足需求。”
- If he meets all the requirements, he can apply for the permanent resident status at any time. 假如他能符合所有条件,可随时向处长申请核实其香港特区永久性居民身份。
- By advertising, we could ensure the audience that our products can meet their requirements with no problem. 通过广告,我们可以使观众和听众确信我们的产品能够毫无疑问地满足他们的需求。
- But it is of a kind that, if he meets it, he can readily understand and deal with. 但如果有这种情况,露营者也容易理解,知道如何对付
- CCIM use their unique abilities to solve problems, through post-market rent to help customers meet their requirements. CCIM利用他们独有的解决问题的能力,通过售后回租帮助客户满足他们的要求。
- Ian Poulter after the game asked if he met with the same Westwood. 保尔特赛后被问到是否遇到了与维斯特伍德一样的问题。
- Customer tryout proves tire cord steel wire meets their requirements, and the tire cord steel wire has been put into mass production. 经用户试用符合生产钢帘线的要求,已转入批量生产、供应。
- These criterions and solutions satisfy the clients to meet their requirements of efficiency, cost, manageability and easy operation, etc. 这样的标准和解决方案最大限度的满足了用户对效率、成本、可管理性和操作的简易性等的需求。
- And also, to help meet their requirements in terms of training, equipment and perhaps any other facilities that would enhance their efficiency and capability. 同时,在培训、设备以及任何其他设施方面满足其要求,以便提高其效率和能力。
- The process manager(scheduler) maps single processes onto resources according to a specified scheduling policy such that all processes meet their requirements . 进程管理程序(调度程序)的任务是根据规定的调度策略把进程映射(对应)到处理器资源上;使得所有进程能满足它们的需求.
- He went to the bar to see if he could pick up a bombshell ,but all he met were a couple of dogs. 他想去酒吧看看能否找到一个漂亮女孩,结果只碰见两个丑八怪。
- We've been forging a long-term partnership with our clients, with a vast and diverse portfolio of solutions to meet their requirements,"said Lectra's Asia-Pacific Director, Jean-Luc Aubert. 我们与客户保持着长期的合作伙伴关系,为他们提供各种解决方案,满足他们的需求,”力克亚太区总监Jean-Luc Aubert说道。
- Thunder - Arran was still the alliance most perfect shooter, even if he meets a spot in the playoff first run to be troublesome. 雷-阿伦仍然是联盟最完美的射手,即使他在季后赛首轮遇到一点麻烦。
- If he were here I can explain to him myself. 要是他在这里,我就可以亲自向他解释了。
- Then we can make a plan to ensure them that our product can meet their requirement with no problem. 然后,我们可以制定一个使观众和听众确信我们的产品能够毫无问题地满足他们的需求的计划。
- If he were you, he would reconsider my proposal. 他要是你,他会重新考虑我的建议。
- Warrior's Mark (Ex): Kazzak is a noteworthy demon champion: He meets prerequisites for feats as if he were a warrior of a level equal to his Hit Dice. 战士印记(特殊能力):卡扎克是一个值得注意的恶魔战士:他勇武的先决条件似乎因为他是一个等级等于生命骰的战士。