- political and ideological theories education 思想政治理论课
- ideological theory education 思想政治理论课
- The fourth chapter introduces the amendment and development about Martin Trow"s ideological theory of higher education massification. 第四章是特罗理论的修正与发展,既包括特罗本人也包括其他学者对该理论的修正及发展。
- The fifth chapter introduces the significance and limitation about Martin Trow"s ideological theory of higher education massification. 第五章是特罗理论的贡献及局限性。
- The second chapter introduces the historical background and methodology of Martin Trow"s ideological theory of higher education massification. 第二章是特罗教授高等教育大众化理论产生的历史背景及其理论的方法论基础。
- The reasons above on ideological theory reflected certain subjectivity of the discontinuance of the New Democracy. 以上思想理论方面的原因,反映出新民主主义社会阶断中断的一定的主观性、人为性。
- Marxs ideological theory is a revolutionary and practical critical theory with which final purpose is der Idelolgies Zu entspringen. 马克思意识形态理论是革命的、实践的批判理论,它以最终“跳出意识形态”为指向。
- Differed to some degree in their expression of ideological theory as they are, those different expressions occurred after using by Nestorianisni of the basic Buddhist doctrines. 景教与佛教在思想理论上的表述仍然存在着一定的差异,但这是在利用了佛教的一些基本教义以后才表述出自己的主张。
- Xunzi was a distinguished thinker in ancient China;he carried on and developed Confucian studies of Kongzi and Mengzi, and took in the ideological theory of Legalist school. 摘要荀子是我国古代著名的思想家,他的学说中既继承和发展了孔孟儒学,又兼容了法家的思想理论。
- ideological and political theory education 思想政治理论教育
- As the moral education of communists, Deng Xiaoping emphasizes on theory education, moral exemplification, and coordination between self-rule and heteronomous measures. 在党员的培养方面,邓小平认为要采用以下措施:理论学习、道德示范、自律他律相结合。
- Combining the Confucius' educational thought and humanist management thought and system theory, the author tries to analyze the practice mode to prove the ideological theory foundation and developing direction. 通过结合孔子的教育思想、本管理思想和系统理论来分析导学群实践模型,论证导学群的思想理论基础和理论发展方向。
- Mercantilism was an ideological theory on politics and economy and a policy system before classical plutonomy, whose golden age was the era from 16(superscript th) to 18(superscript th) century. 摘要重商主义是古典政治经济学前的一种政治经济思想理论和政策体系。
- His previous academic practice, as a preparing phase, is all leading to the theory on Child's Heart.Afterwards, his theory is fully developed in terms of ideological theory and social criticism. 他在提出“童心说”之前的学术实践活动皆是导向此理论的建构,可以视为“童心说”的准备期,其后的思想理论与社会批判实践均围绕“童心说”而作多向度展开。
- ideological and political theory education in universities 高校思想政治理论课
- Zhang Wentian, a theorist and educator in the history of CPC, attached importance to the works about Marxist theory education. 摘要张闻天是中共历史上杰出的马克思主义理论家和教育家,十分重视马克思主义理论教育事业。
- The ideological theory of Anonio Gramsci points the relationship between ideology and social practice, the ideological unity and its important roles in guiding practice. 他还力图寻找政治行动中危机和错误产生的意识形态与上层建筑等方面的原因。葛兰西深化了马克思主义理论,实现了理论与实践的统一;
- Abstract: Zhang Wentian, a theorist and educator in the history of CPC, attached importance to the works about Marxist theory education. 摘 要: 张闻天是中共历史上杰出的马克思主义理论家和教育家,十分重视马克思主义理论教育事业。
- For this problem we can deduce it from the country and ideology theory of North, who is also a master of new institutional economics. 但我们可以从另一制度经济学大师诺思的国家与意识形态理论进行推导。
- Ideological and Political Theories Education 思想政治理论教育