- A Brief Talk of Happy Education Method That Be Operated in the Ideological Education for the Workers and Staff Members 浅谈寓教于乐教育方式在职工思想教育中的运用
- ideological education method 思想教育实施方法
- Ideological education should be strengthened. 思想教育工作要加强。
- So we have to strengthen their ideological education continually. 因此我们不断地加强她们的思想教育。
- We had a profound lesson in ideological education yesterday. 昨天我们上了一堂深刻的思想教育课。
- For the majority it will be only a matter of strengthening their Party spirit through ideological education. 对大多数党员来说,是通过思想教育,增强党性。
- He was concerned with that work and with the political and ideological education of officers and men. 他一贯关心干部战士的政治思想教育,关心政治工作建设。
- The moral doctrine represses the personality in educational method. 实践中,德育与生活世界阻隔造成学生主体地位缺失。
- Mastering famous education method such as ALT(Communicative Language Teaching), ALM (Audiolingual Method) and so on. 精通CLT(Communicative Language Teaching)、主题教学法、听说法ALM(Audiolingual Method)等适合青少儿的教学方法。
- The "Three Improvements" meant organizational consolidation, ideological education and rectification of style of work. 三整,是指整顿组织、整顿思想、整顿作风。
- Individualism and holism are of the basic principles belonging to political and ideological education. "个人主义"和"整体主义"是伦理学和思想政治教育领域的两大基本原则,在一定意义上看,是对立的。
- In ideological education of art major students of vocational colleges, the disobey mentality is a common phenomenon. 摘要高职院校艺术类学生思政工作中的逆反心理是普遍存在的现象。
- Dormitories are important carriers of political and ideological education in colleges and universities. 摘要寝室是高校思想政治工作的重要载体。
- Actually, to pedagogue, adopts these to be similar in “will not cook a meal will issue the graduation card on the buckle” the education method will be really has to, but for it. 其实,对教育者自己来说,采取这些类似于“不会煮饭就扣发毕业证”的教育手段实属不得已而为之。
- Students' creative ability can be cultivated by transforming education mode,putting "three setups" education method into practice and standardizing teaching process. 采取了转变教育理念、实行“三段式”教学、规范教学过程等措施。
- The oneness between the training of active members joining to Party and ideological education of the communist youth league in college. 论高校入党积极分子的培养与团的思想教育的统一性。
- Objective: To discuss relations which the pre-natal health education and mother's milk feeds, elaboration pre-natal health education method and content. 目的:探讨产前健康教育与母乳喂养的关系,阐述产前健康教育的方法及内容。
- A prison shall carry out ideological education among prisoners in legality, morality, current situations, policies and outlook on their futures. 第六十二条监狱应当对罪犯进行法制、道德、形势、政策、前途等内容的思想教育。
- The depiction about discipline education is an important component of Montessori education method, we were struck with the good discipline and cosmos in the Montessori's school. 摘要蒙台梭利关于纪律教育的论述是蒙氏教育方法的重要组成部分,蒙氏学校中良好的纪律和秩序给人留下了深刻的印象。
- We haven't paid enough attention to the political and ideological education of young people and to the expansion of education. 对青年的政治思想教育抓得不够,教育发展不够。