- ideological culture traditions 思想文化传统
- It takes "benevolence" as its ideological basis and gets shown perfectly in every respect covering ideological culture, social life and political ruling. 它以“仁”学作为思想基础,在思想文化、社会生活和政治统治各个层面得以充分体现。
- He revealed to his country-people the social function of sciences from two perspectives: materialistic technology and ideological culture and formed his unique standpoint. 他从物质技术和思想文化两个方面向国人揭示了科学的社会功能,形成了独特的观点。
- We should also revitalize cultural activities to strike a chord for ideological and cultural traditions among the younger generation of Chinese Singaporeans who are bilingual and grew up in a different environment from their parents. 除此之外,我们也必须复兴各种文化活动,让生活环境和父母不同、又能掌握双语的年轻一代,能对传统思想和文化,产生共鸣和认同。
- The Time-Spatial Form of Chinese classical novel is the result of both national literature tradition and ideological culture tradition.It has an extinctive norm. 中国古典长篇小说的时间形式与空间形式,是民族文学传统、乃至思想文化传统的产物,有自身独特的形式规则。
- Efforts to preserve Chinese cultural traditions must include Chinese names. 如果我们说要重视华族的文化传统,姓名就是需要重视的对象之一。
- Member of the CCCPC political bureau &secretary of central secretariat of publicity, in 2009 propaganda minister liu yunshan ideological culture, formulate specific deployment of work. 中共中央政治局委员、中央书记处书记、中宣部部长刘云山对2009年宣传思想文化工作作出具体部署。
- A great part of the Chinese ancient culture is amalgamated in the classics, and the ideological culture revolution was reflected in the reinterpretation of classics since Han and Wei Dynasties. 中国古代文化很大一部分融合在经典之中,汉魏以来的思想文化变革,很大程度表现在对于经典的重新阐释。
- They also boldly championed the Christian ethic and Western Culture tradition. 他们还勇敢地维护基督教道德伦理和西方文化传统。
- Here, I would like to highlight three challenges in the process of development of cultural traditions. 在这里,我要提出文化传统在发展的过程中所面对的三个挑战。
- Whale hunting is a cultural tradition in Japan. 捕猎鲸类是日本的一个文化传统。
- And a profound cultural tradition. 和深厚的文化底蕴。
- In the development of social economy, the culture tradition must be kept. 在社会经济发展过程中,文化传统必须。
- Education of the Chinese: the Global Prospect of National Culture Tradition. 华人教育:民族文化传统的全球展望。
- Here,I would like to highlight three challenges in the process of development of cultural traditions. 在这里,我要提出文化传统在发展的过程中所面对的三个挑战。
- the basis of ideological culture 思想文化根基
- The different cultural traditions in China and the West have created a different aesthetics. 中国和西方的不同文化传统产生了不同艺术审美观点。
- They became genuine embodiment of godly love and carriers of cultural traditions. 是真正体现爱德、弘扬文化传统的宗教。
- The impact of modern life and globalisation on our society and cultural traditions. 了解现代生活和全球化是如何影响社会和文化传统的。
- In modernity and global ages, deferent peoples and traditions began their new consciousness of culture tradition, as is still a problem in this age. 不同文化传统及民族在现代性及全球时代开始了新的文化自觉,但文化传统如何显现为肯定性的现代性要素,仍然是不同民族、特别是后发展民族的时代课题。