- How can you improve the ideological and political work in schools? 学校的思想政治工作,怎样改进?
- On How to Carry on the Ideological and Political Task of the Full-time Students in TV Universities Under Human-oriented Principles 浅谈以人为本做好电大普专生思想政治工作
- Ideological and political work should never be allowed to fall off. 思想政治工作决不允许削弱。
- ideological and political task 思想政治工作
- To fulfil our task and ensure unity of thought and action among all Party members,we must try to strengthen and improve the ideological and political work of the Party. 为了完成这个任务,为了保证全党思想上行动上的一致,必须有效地加强和改善我们党的思想政治工作。
- With the disaggregation of the original unit of the state, the task of the ideological and political education of the employees was transferred to the corresponding community. 随着原国家“单位”的解体,员工的思想政治教育职能转嫁给社区;
- The leadership of the Party is mainly an ideological and political leadership. 党的领导主要是思想政治的领导。
- Ideological and political work in the army has been carried out effectively. 思想政治建设扎实有效。
- What I want to talk about now is ideological and political questions. 我今天要说的是思想政治方面的问题。
- In fact,our propaganda includes all the Party's ideological and political work. 这里说的宣传工作,实际上包括党的整个思想政治工作。
- However,we did not complete the task of eliminating the surviving feudal influences in the ideological and political fields,because we underestimated their importance and because we quickly proceeded to the socialist revolution. 但是,肃清思想政治方面的封建主义残余影响这个任务,因为我们对它的重要性估计不足,以后很快转入社会主义革命,所以没有能够完成。
- College Students' Ideological and Political Education is a system engineering. 大学生思想政治教育是一个系统工程。
- But this doesn't mean they should devote a great many classroom hours to ideological and political teaching. 但这并不是说要把大量的课时用于思想政治教育。
- This is a momentous theoretical and political task, and it certainly cannot be accomplished just by rehashing the same old arguments copied from a book. 这是一项十分重大的任务,既是重大的政治任务,又是重大的理论任务。
- The Chinese armed forces have all along given priority to ideological and political work. 中国军队始终把思想政治建设摆在各项建设的首位。
- Improving leadership by the Party means,primarily,strengthening our ideological and political work. 我们说改善党的领导,其中最主要的,就是加强思想政治工作。
- This is a momentous theoretical and political task,and it certainly cannot be accomplished just by rehashing the same old arguments copied from a book.It is honourable,creative and scientific work which places great demands on our revolutionary theorists. 这是一项十分重大的任务,既是重大的政治任务,又是重大的理论任务。这决不是改头换面地抄袭旧书本所能完成的工作,而是要费尽革命思想家心血的崇高的创造性的科学工作。
- The organizational line guarantees the implementation of the ideological and political lines. 思想路线政治路线的实现要靠组织路线来保证。
- All departments and organizations should shoulder their responsibilities for ideological and political work. 思想政治工作,各个部门都要负责任。
- Another cause of these disturbances was lack of ideological and political education among the workers and students. 闹事的另一个原因是对于工人、学生缺乏思想政治教育。