- ideological and polical course 思政课程
- The effective combination of ideological and political education and police specialty is the effective approach to enhance actual effect on ideological and political education. 摘要思想政治教育与警察专业的有机结合,是提高公安院校思想政治教育实效性的有效途径。
- Promote ideological and ethical progress. (三)切实加强思想道德建设。
- To Stick to the Concept That Human Factor Come First Is the Subject of Our Army's Ideological and Polical Education 坚持以人为本是我军思想政治教育的主题
- More emphasis was placed on ideological and moral development. 思想道德建设继续加强。
- We must highlight the Party's ideological and theoretical building. 必须把党的思想理论建设摆在更加突出的位置。
- How can you improve the ideological and political work in schools? 学校的思想政治工作,怎样改进?
- Ideological and political work should never be allowed to fall off. 思想政治工作决不允许削弱。
- The protesters and police stood eyeball to eyeball. 抗议者与警察剑拔弩张。
- Obey all road signs and police officers. 遵守所有的路标和交通警察的指挥;
- Soldiers and police have been put on alert. 军队和警察已经处于戒备状态。
- Army and police forces are the state machinery. 军队和警察是国家机器。
- So the council and police have switched tack. 因此委员会和警署开始调整战略。
- The course of university students' ideological and political education is a course of dissemination. 大学生思想政治教育过程,从传播学的角度看是一种传播过程。
- Tell it to the Beadle and police, as well! 告诉毕多和警察,快点儿!
- Ideology and Society.By Donald G.Mac Rae. 《意识形态与社会》
- Of course, this does not imply that we should neglect to make serious in-depth studies of ideological and theoretical problems not directly related to the four modernizations. 当然这决不是说,凡是同实现四个现代化没有直接关系的思想理论问题就可以不去认真深入地研究。
- What is the line between ideology and values? 意识形态和价值之间的界限为何?
- Especially in the implementation of the new ideological and political course of teaching, we must adhere to heuristic teaching method. 特别是在实施思想政治新课程教学的过程中,我们更要坚持贯彻启发式的教学方法。
- Apple, M. W (1990/2002). Ideology and Curriculum. 王丽云(译)。意识型态与课程。台北:桂冠。